I wake up to the annoying sound of my phone ringing. I groggily pick it up and answer it. "Ya," "Alice where the hell are you," I here Paul ask from the other end of the phone. I sit up and see that it's almost 6 "Oh shit, Sorry Paul I'll be there in 20," I say while jumping up and throwing on my shoes. "Alright hurry up," Paul says before hanging up. I run into the living room. "Hey dad I'm taking the car, girls night out," "okay sweetheart be careful," He says as I grab the keys and run out the door.
I open the garage door before throwing on my seat belt and starting the car. I reverse out if the garage and take off down the street. I take the fastest route possible to the Starbucks. By the time I get there it's 6:10. I get out of the car and lock it before walking inside to find Paul.
As I open the door to the building I get hit by an ice cold burst of air. Which, considering it was 90 degrees outside, I found extremely refreshing. I walk in the store and find Paul sitting in a two person booth in the back corner of the dimly lit building. He was wearing a black button down shirt and dark black jeans. A typical Paul outfit. I walk over and sit down across from him.
"I was beginning to think you were trying to stand me up, Alice," He says as I sit down. "Now Paul you know I wouldn't do that to you, at least not on purpose," I say while chuckling. "So what exactly do you need love," "I was wondering if you know who started this," I say passing him the flyer. "Jake Found it in my PO Box this morning,". It became silent as he read the flyer. Studying it intently before looking back up at me. "I have an idea who might have started it, but I'll need a few days to make sure just in case," He says quietly before standing up. "Alright, text me when you have info and we can meet up," I say while getting up.
"This is going to cost you, Alice," "Please, you still ow me for saving your ass the other day when the cops showed up, I took out three cops for you and about got my ass arrested," I say while smirking slightly "Fine, but this makes us even," He says before turning and walking out of the dimly lit building.
I walk out of Starbucks and to my car. As I unlock my car I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I look down at my phone and see the ridiculous photo if Jade and I hanging upside down in a tree.
"Hey Jade," "Hey bro, I was wondering if you wanted to see a movie tonight," She asks cheerfully. "That's actually a great idea cuz I told my dad I was going to girls night out, when I was actually coming to meet up with Paul," 'Okay sweet meet you in ten," "Yep,". That worked out great.
I start my car and drive the block and a half to the movie theatre. I sit in my car and wait for jade to arrive. After a good 5 minutes she finally pulled into the spot next to me. I grab my phone from the dash and my wallet before getting out of the car. As soon as I closed and locked the door I was hugged hard enough to break a rib.
"Great to see you to Jade, not like I saw you three hours ago or anything," I say chuckling and hugging her back. "You know I miss you like crazy when you don't text me Alice," "I know,I know, I'm sorry I passed out as soon as I got home and then was late to meet with Paul, you literally called just as I got to my car to head to your house," I say quietly as we walked to the ticket booth. "Okay, so what movie are we going to see," She asks happily. "Umm I was thinking City Of Bones, since we have been waiting forever for it to come out," "Sounds great if you buy tickets I'll buy candy," She says questioningly. "Deal," I say as we get tithe front of the line.
"Can I get two tickets to City Of Bones please," "Sure, that'll be 16 dollars," she says way too cheerfully. I hand her the money and walk inside. We walk up to the snack counter. "What do you want Alice," "Just gummy worms, I'm going to go get good seats," I say turning around and going into theatre 3. I get seats at the top of the theatre.
They were playing commercials as always. This one was for Cloudy with A Chance of Meatballs 2. I always found the little strawberry guy in the commercials adorable. At one point Jade and I were going to try and win one of the giant stuffed ones from the claw machine.We ended up dropping thirty bucks before we actually got it out.
The lights dimmed just as Jade sat down in the seat next to me. "Sweet the movies starting," She says as she hands me my gummy worms. "Yeah you missed our favorite commercial though," I say as the movie begins. "Aww not fair," she whines. "Shush the movie is starting.
The rest of the movie we were both completely silent unless we were Fangirling over Jace's beautiful body. By the end of the movie I'm pretty sure our ovaries had exploded a billion times over.
"Best movie ever," I say while we exit the theatre. "Definitely and the last line of the movie, Death dude just Death," "I know bro, lol well I have to be home soon so I'll see you tomorrow," I say as we get to our cars, "see ya tomorrow," Jade says getting I to her car.
I turned on my car and turn on the radio. I hook my phone up and turn on my Eminem playlist. I pull out of the parking lot and head home. it takes me twenty minutes to get home. I pull in the garage and close the garage door behind me.
"Dad I'm home," I say as I walk into the house. "In the living room sweetheart, how was your night out," He yells back. I walk into the room. "Good we just saw a movie and went to Starbucks," I say cheerfully. "Alright , well I'm going to he'd love, you should too since you have school tomorrow,"he says getting up and going to his room. "Okay, night daddy love you," I yell before going to my room.
I change into my batman boxers that I sleep in before going into the bathroom to brush my teeth. I brush my teeth,plug in my phone to charge and turn of the lights before striping out of my shirt and laying down to go to sleep. I find my remote to my stereo under my pillow and turn it on putting the volume level at just under a full roar. I close my eyes and peacefully drift off to sleep.
-ChattuManCouch 💗💗❤

Boxing Loves (Liam Payne Fan-Fiction)
FanfictionAlice is a 16 year old girl who is in high school. She boxes competitively but she has to make a decision. She has to choose the love of her life or boxing... Which will she choose?