A/N so here it is guys. Chapter 5. Enjoy XD please Vote and Comment I love hearing your feedback about my chapters. – ChattyManCouch
Alice’s POV
The bell finally rings signaling that the seven hours of absolute hell is finally over. Well at least for today. I see Jade walking in my and head towards her. “Hey,” Jade says as we reach each other. “Hey, I need to talk to you,” I say quietly. “About what,” “Well I sort of have a date tonight,” I say shyly. “What, with who, is he hot, what does he look like, how old is he,” “Jade, Chill,” I say laughing. “Sorry.. So spill it,” “Well his name is Liam, and he’s really nice, I can’t really tell you what he looks like because I met him while running the other morning and we’ve been running together. Since it’s so dark I haven’t been able to get a good look at his face. But his voice sounds like an angel,” “So your saying you’re going on a date with a guy who you can’t be sure if he’s cute or not,” “Oh no he is definitely hot with his body he has to be hot,” I say happily. “Alright well i got to get to my bus. Text me Alice,” Jade says while getting on her bus. “I will,” I walk to my bus and sit own in the first empty seat I find.
The ride home was short as always since I’m only the second stop to get off. I get home around 3:00 like always. I put my backpack down on the ground and open my laptop. Checking Facebook quickly before going to the living room to find my dad. I walk into the living room to find him asleep on the couch. I laugh slightly and head into the kitchen. I grab an apple and the last Gatorade and head back to my room to do homework. I sit down at my desk and continue to do my math work from earlier. As I’m about to finish the first page my phone goes off. I unlock my phone and see that Jade has texted me.
Jade: Hey when’s your date? Need help getting ready
Alice: He’s picking me up around 7 and yes please J
Jade: kk be there in 15
Put my phone down and finish my homework. I decide to take a shower. As I walk into the bathroom my phone goes off again. I walk back into my room and grab my phone checking my messages. I see Liam has texted me.
Liam: Hey, so I was wondering if you would be okay with moving our date to 6 instead of 7.
Alice: Sure, that’s fine. I’m about to jump in the shower I’ll text you later.
Liam: Alright, Later beautiful.
I put my phone down and get in the shower. I Stand under the fall of warm water and let it cascade down my back relaxing my more than anything else. I love standing under the flow of warm water it relaxes my muscles and makes me feel refreshed. As I stand under the water I hear the distinct sound of my bathroom door opening.
“Hey Jade,” I say happily. “What’s up,” “Getting a shower, duh, oh and he changed the time to 6 instead of 7,”I while quickly washing my body. “Oh he’s eager,” She says while grabbing me a towel. “Ya sure,” I get out of the shower and jade hands me a towel. “Thanks,” “No problem,” I wrap the towel around my body and walk across the hall to my room. Jade follows me into my room and sits on my bed. “So what are you guys doing? Movie, Dinner, Hanging at his house…” “Dinner and a movie,” “Did he say where,” Jade says standing up and walking to my closet. “Nope, but he said dress nice. Nothing too fancy though,” I say while grabbing my black lace strapless bra and panty set. “Okay, How about your blue lace shirt with the lace bow across the back of your shoulders and your blue skinny jeans with the velvet designs on them,” Jade says pulling it out of my closet and putting it on my bed. “Perfect,” I say grabbing it and putting it on. “So what should we do with your hair,” “waterfall braid it please,” I say giving jade my best puppy dog eyes, “ugh…. Fine, brush it out first.” She says throwing my brush at me. “Hey you could have hurt me with that,” I say jumping out of the way. “Ya sure,” Jade says while laughing. “You could have,” I say brushing out my hair. “As if your extremely amazing reflexes would allow that,” she says while walking over to me.
I finish brushing my hair and sit down in my chair to my desk. “What time is it,” Jade asks while starting to section out my hair. I look at my phone and the screen says its 4:30. “4:30 so you have plenty of time,” I say cheerfully. “Good because it is going to take me at least an hour to do your hair. Then a good ten minutes to do your make up,” Jade says happily. “Damn really, why is it going to take that long,” “Because I haven’t done a waterfall braid in forever,” “Alright,” I say while grabbing my phone and turning on some music. I sit there patiently waiting for her to finish my hair and decide to text Liam.
Alice: Hey
Liam: Hey beautiful.
Alice: What’s up?
Liam: Trying to figure out what movie we should see. Any ideas?
Alice: How about we see the new Hobbit movie. I’ve been dying to see it.
Liam: Sounds great. So what’s up?
Alice: Being tortured as my best friend does my hair. :/ lol
Liam: Tortured huh. How exactly is she torturing you? Lol
Alice: By making me sit still for more than 30 minutes.
Liam: What could she possibly doing to your hair that takes more than 30 minutes?
Alice: You’ll see.
Liam: Aww. Fine but there’s something I need to tell you when I get there.
Alice: Oh…. What is it? You don’t have kids do you?
Liam: No lol. No kids, it’s actually about me. Something that you would need to keep a secret. So I think it might be best if I wait till your friend leaves. But it’s nothing bad I promise.
Alice: Okay I guess I’ll have Jade leave.
Liam: Alright well I have to get ready see you in 30 minutes
I read the message right as jade gets done with my hair. “Finally,” I say while standing up. “It wasn’t that bad,” She laughs. “Alright. So no mascara and only natural tone eye shadow… got it” I say eyeing her. “Ugh fine. Sit down please,” She says sighing and pointing back to the chair. “Alright, but Liam requests that you leave before he gets here I think he’s nervous and doesn’t want to meet you yet,” “Oh alright then,” She says while lightly applying some gold eye shadow. “Gold looks perfect with this outfit,” Jade gasps. “Your right it does,” I say looking in the mirror. “You look great girl.” Jade says picking up her makeup and hanging up the clothes she got out while digging through my closet. I hear my phone go off and swiftly pick it up.
Liam: Almost to your house. About another 10 minutes.
Alice: Alright see you then
“You have to go he’s almost here,” I say grabbing my black sandals. “Alright see you later, and I want details tomorrow,” She says grabbing her keys. “Fine,” I say laughing. She walks out the door and to her car before swiftly pulling out of my drive way and speeding down the road. I walk back inside and finish cleaning up the mess jade left. I finish putting everything away just as the doorbell rings. I smile widely and my stomach clenches with nerves.
I walk to the door and open it. I look out and see none other than Liam Payne from One Direction. I shut the door and take a deep breath before opening the door again just to make sure I’m not seeing shit.” Surprise,” He says nervously.

Boxing Loves (Liam Payne Fan-Fiction)
FanficAlice is a 16 year old girl who is in high school. She boxes competitively but she has to make a decision. She has to choose the love of her life or boxing... Which will she choose?