I wake up to the sound of my alarm going off. The constant annoying beep that everyone hates. I look at the clock and see that it's 4:00 am. I get out of bed and turn on the light. I walk over to my closet and pull out a pair of sweatpants and a sports bra. I throw on the sweatpants and put the sports bra on before putting my hair in a quick bun on top of my head. I walk over to my night stand and put on the arm bracelet that holds my phone when I'm working out
I grab my phone and sound reducing head phones before walking outside. I plug my headphones in and click my remix playlist. I start stretching like I do every time I go for a run. It's still pitch black outside and just over 75 degrees, perfect weather for a nice 4 mile run. I finish stretching before taking off in the direction of the highway. It's a perfect place to run since they have the trail that runs parallel with the road. You can run for miles and I love that feeling.
I take off at full speed down the trail and crank up my music to block out all sound but the music. I run past the little hunting shack that is only used during dear season. It's about the size of a 2 car garage and has 1 bathroom and a mini kitchen. I've only been in there once. I continue running for another mile or so before turning around and heading back towards my house. I'm only about 3 miles away which is further than I thought I was. I turn the corner and continued running next to a chain link fence that closes off a retention pond. I guess to keep people from driving into it. I pick up my pace a bit so that I get home in time to get ready for school.
I turn another corner still running next to the fence. I keep runnning for a mile or so. I feel someone grab my shoulder and I flip around pinning them to the fence by their neck. Ripping my head phones out in the process. "Who are you and what do you want," I say harshly. "Ummm my name is Liam and I'm sorry if i scared you but could you let go of my neck please," "Yeah...why exactly did you grab my shoudler," I ask while releasing my hold on his neck and taking a step away from him. "Well I wanted to ask why a girl your age is out running by herself at 5 am," He says sweetly. "Because I have no one to run with and I have school today so it's the only time I can," I say calmly trying to figure out why he would care.
"Oh okay then......Well If you want I can run with you so your not alone." "That sounds kinda creepy considering you don't even know my name or how old I am." "Well I know that your in high school because your obviously are too old to be in middle school, you can defend yourself quitewell and what is your name love?" "My name is Alice and I'm 16 and yes I'm in highschool." "So do you mind if I run with you or do you still find me a bit creepy?" "You seem alright so you can run with me but have fun trying keeping up."
As I say that I take off in the direction of my house. I hear him come up beside me. "You think I'm going to have trouble keeping up with you love?" "Most people do." I say as I pick up my pace a little bit. He picks up his pace as well and we continue to run. "So Liam since I don't know much about you want to play 20 questions?" I ask while looking at him from the corner of me eye. "Sure love, I'll start, Whats you favorite color?" Liam says while picking up his pace a little. "Lime green What about you?" "Purple," "Nice Favorite sport," I say while matching the pace he set. "Football or soccer for you guys I guess What about you," He says chuckling, "The same lol," I say stopping since we are at me street.
Liam stops next to me as I pull out my phone and turn off the music that has been playing pointlessly for the past 30 minutes. I see it's 5:45 and flip out. "Crap, " I say while putting my phone up. "What's wrong love,'" "I'm going to miss the bus. Stopping to slam you against that fence set me back a bunch. Sorry about that by the way you just startled me," "It's fine Alice," "Okay well I have to go, But do you want to meet me here tommorrow around 4:15 to run," I ask hopefully. "Yea sure See you then," "Bye Liam," I say before turning around and runnning as fast as I can back to my house.

Boxing Loves (Liam Payne Fan-Fiction)
FanfictionAlice is a 16 year old girl who is in high school. She boxes competitively but she has to make a decision. She has to choose the love of her life or boxing... Which will she choose?