"His point of view" (chapter7)

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The more I spend time with her the more I feel like she's mine, I feel so comfortable around her , I love being in her presence. I think I'M FALLING FOR HER.

I'm going to find a way that I can make her really mine PERMANENTLY! I don't want no guy touching her or even looking at her only I can. Ugh but what if she doesn't feel the same way about me. I want to be her's that way she'll never feel alone, I want to be there for her when she feels sick ,sad,mad, and happy. I just want to be there for her in everything.
"Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii !" y/n said

"Whoa hey there beautiful."I said

"This time I came to you". y/n said while giggling.

Aww she's so cute

" hahaha I see that". I replied.

"You know my mom was upset about how I didn't go to school and didn't let her know where I was at and who I was with, but then I explained to her what happened and where I was and who I was with and I told her I was with you. And she was like "hmmm" is that your secret boyfriend or something and I just laughed." y/n said.

"Why is that funny" i asked out of curiosity.

"Just the fact that we're not dating". y/n replied.

And if we we're would it still be funny...

"Oh " I simply replied.

"Why do you want us to start dating." She said while opening her eyes widely teasing him.

"Do you? " I asked.

".......she stayed quite not knowing how to answer the question.

*starts laughing* "Oh look the bus is here." I said breaking the silence.

We walk inside the bus and sit next to each other.

"Well look who it is Jackson and Normani". So how are you two? The relationship going good? I asked.

"Yeah we're good, how about you and y/n". Normani and Jackson asked.


"We're great thanks for asking."y/n said.

"Aww come on y/n you know I can't be with you 24/7 all the time, I have to make room for others." Normani stated.

"I'm supposed to be your BEST FRIEND! , I come before everyone else except family and he's just a guy that will come and go you never know when he's just going to leave you!" y/n stated.

"If you had a problem with me being around him more than I am with you ,you should have told me. Not make a big seen in front of them and I do know that he won't leave me because he gave me this promise ring." Normani stated.

"As my best friend you should already know though, I shouldn't have to tell you to stop hanging out with him and to hang out with me, like come on this is best friend code. And congrats I guess on the promise ring, but what is that he promised you. y/n said.

"You know what I'm done with this conversation, talk to me when you're not making complaints about stupid little things like this, and he promised to stay with me through everything me and him go through." Normani says ,while walking off the bus into school.

"Beautiful are you ok ?" I asked.

"No not really, do you think I'm making a big deal over this?" y/n asked.

"Actually I agree with you,what she's doing is not ok. As your best friend she should be with you through everything, a best friend is like a temporary partner until you actually have someone that understand's you and will always be there for you no matter what." I stated.

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