Chapter one
The room was dark, and very cold. A young ten year old girl, sat huddled in a corner against a slimy brick wall. The sounds of a fight echoed down to her from above. “Sage...” The girl whispered to herself, so softly that she couldn't hear her own voice. Then she jumped at the sound of a lightsaber slicing through the air. Her silver eyes shone in the darkness, “Yes...” She stood and stumbled, falling onto her face. The chains on her ankles wouldn't let her move very far out of the corner.
“Saiya!” The girl looked up at the sound of her name and pushed herself up onto her knees. “Saiya!” The droids outside the room fired their guns at the intruder.
“I'm in here! Help!” Saiya yelled, trying to make her voice heard over the battle in the hallway. After a few minutes, Saiya heard the droids explode, and the door was smashed open. Standing in the doorway, was a boy Saiya had never seen before. He looked about fourteen years old, and in his right hand he grasped a green lightsaber. He was wearing a desert tan shirt and pants, both made from a thin cloth, from what she could tell, with a thick brown belt strapped around his midsection. His face was hidden by the deep cowl of his dark brown robe, but Saiya could see his striking blue eyes looking at her from within.
“I'm a friend.” The boy said, coming forward and crouching down in front of Saiya. “Are you alright little one?” Saiya felt her long, dark purple hair being pushed back from her face by his hands, and she looked up at him.
“Y...yes. I think so.” Saiya answered, then rubbed her nose on her sleeve, sniffling.
“My name is Anakin, I'm here to help you.” Saiya noticed that the chains around her ankles were gone, and Anakin had deactivated his lightsaber. “Can you stand?” Saiya nodded and Anakin took her hands, holding them until he was sure that Saiya was steady on her feet. As soon as he let go she tumbled back to the floor, landing on her butt. She tried again, and this time managed to stay on her feet. “Good, my master will be pleased.”
Obi-Wan, wearing a similar outfit to his padawan, Anakin, closed his eyes and mentally searched for any sign of life in the small complex. They had been sent by Mace Windu to clear out an old rebel base to make sure there were no droids inside. “Damn you Anakin... always running off. I hope he didn't do anything stupid...”
“What about me?” Obi-Wan opened his eyes, slightly startled. Standing in front of him, with a little girl in old, tattered clothing on his back, was Anakin. “Look what I found.” Anakin set the girl down and she looked up at Obi-Wan.
“My name is Saiya...” Obi-Wan studied her for a second, she was about four and a half feet tall, and her long hair was in numerous knots, with a few hints of dirt and dried blood in it. “I...” Saiya suddenly broke down and cried. “My mom... someone killed her...” Obi-Wan winced and looked away, not knowing what to do.
“Saiya...” Saiya looked up at Obi-Wan, tears streaming down her face. The man had brownish hair and a beard, but his facial features were soft for a man of his age. “It's alright...” Obi-wan looked over at Anakin, “I'll go ready the ship, you get her out of here safely, understood?”
“Yes master.”
“Sage Matthew Zecron!” Among a class of thirty students, sitting in a dark room used to study the planets of the universe, a young boy looked up at the sound of his name. His heart started racing and he fumbled with his hands in his lap. At fourteen, this was the year that one of the oldest students would be picked to become a padawan. Aside from him, there were only two others in his age group. “Sage Matthew Zecron?”
“Yes... Sir.” Sage stood, “Master Yoda.”
“Relax my child. Remember, a Jedi must be brave and have no fears.”
“Yes sir... Sorry sir...” Sage looked down at his feet, embarrassed.
“No apology needed. Now, are you brave enough to become a padawan?” Sage took a deep breath, and nodded. “Good, then come with me, you must.” Sage hid his smile behind the sleeve of his robe, then followed Yoda from the planet room, having no trouble keeping up with Yoda, who was floating along in his hover chair.
“Where are we going?” Yoda didn't answer. “Master Yoda?”
“Sage?” Sage looked down the hall, almost tripping over his own feet. “Big brother!” Standing at the end of the hall in her bare feet, was Saiya.
“Saiya? Oh my god...” Sage bolted down the hall, not caring about the consequences he would have to suffer later. When he reached Saiya he picked her up and spun her around, kissing her on the top of her head.

FanfictionSet before the clone wars, Saiya and her brother Sage, meet Anakin Skywalker. They never thought what that might mean for them. Or the power they have. An adventure lies ahead, but what is in store for them?