Chapter 2

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"Class please welcome..."

"Jellal Fernandez."

No not him. It can't be the same Jellal with the blue hair and tattoo. I don't believe it, I haven't seen him or heard from him for ten whole years! At first I stare at him shocked, unsure of what to do or say about this. Where was he during that time?! Why did he leave me?!  I can see Lucy, Levy, Natsu and Gray looking my direction, I bet they're thinking the same thing as me.

When we were kids we would always play together at his house after school, mostly hide and seek or just simply talking about our day or struggles. We used to grab cardboard boxes and cut them up to make chest plates and swords for ourselves to play with.

---Flashback--- (Ten years earlier)

"Jellal! Wait up!" I said running out of breath chasing him.

"Betcha can't catch me!!" he said with a smirk on his face running at full speed. The eleven year old boy then hid behind a tree hoping to regain his breath. I finally caught up.

"Got you!" I teased playfully. Jellal then started tickling me. My only weakness.

"Ahahaha!! S-Stop Jellal..!" I couldn't stop laughing. "Not so strong now Titania? hehehe" He chuckled himself while laying on the ground exhausted

Titania, my nickname he gave me because I was stronger than him. "I'm going to call you Titania, because of your strength and because you're so pretty..." he blushed

He also gave me my last name Scarlet because when I was two I was adopted by my mom. The neighborhood we moved in is where I met Jellal, my neighbor across the street. Apparently his mom and mine were really good friends.  The first time I met Jellal we became inseparable.  Besides, my mom wasn't married so she didn't really give me a last name... So that's when Jellal came in.

"Hi I'm Jellal Fernandez, what's your name?"

Confused because I didn't have a last name I answer "Erza..."

"Don't you have a last name?" He asked kind of shocked

"N-No..." I answered nervously

"Well I'll name you Erza Scarlet because the color of your beautiful red hair." He said with a warm smile touching my long hair.

Sadly a year later he moved unexpectedly, without even saying goodbye.

---End of flashback---

Jellal's POV

I enter the class room with a few of my things, as I look around I notice a lot of people but right away my eyes turn towards toward a girl with red hair.

No way. I blink for a second and stare in shock, she was doing the same before nervously looking back at her notes.

I was right. It's Erza.

So many emotions overcome me, Everyday I think of her, I missed her so so much, sometimes I stay up all night thinking why I left my only best friend. I didn't want to move back then but we didn't have a choice.  Mother needed a better job since we didn't have enough money to afford much anymore. She got hired for a business six hours away from where I used to live. I was so lonely over there, I didn't have any friends, I was a complete wreck. Everyday I would tell myself 'Get a job Jellal, then go find Erza.' The redhead was all that kept me going. She was my happiness, my life.

Now here she is, in the same room as me. I couldn't look away, I spent all those ten years working just so we could move back here. I wonder what she's thinking...

"Please introduce yourself" The teacher says probably concerned because I zoned out.

"Oh yeah, right... My n-name is Jellal Fernandez." I can't stop shaking.

I can see Erza looking at me again, but as soon as she knows I noticed she looks back.

"Jellal please take a seat next to Miss Scarlet over here" He points to the desk next to her. I can tell she's nervous as well. So she did keep her name I gave her. I place my bag on the ground next to me and my sheets in front of me.

"As you know class, today we have our test on angles" Mr. Cancer explains. The teacher already told me I didn't have to do it since I just got here, that's a plus. I'm not really good in school. Plus it gives me an excuse to look at Erza.

Erza's POV

I'm trying really hard right now to stay calm. To be honest how can I? For crying out loud, my childhood best friend just came back after ten freakin years! Because of all this 'news' I completely forgot about what I studied. Great. I can see at the corner of my eye the blue haired boy with the red tattoo on his face still staring at me, it's making me so uncomfortable I'm having a hard time writing without the pencil- Wait. Does he still have that tattoo on his face?! Maybe I'm just imagining things. I look back at him and it seems im wrong. He does still have it.

It all started when we're young and we were playing with the cardboard armor and swords (the main reason I still like swords...) then we thought it would look cool if we colored it, I colored mine mostly deep blue and red, same with him. As I was helping him color his I accidentally got some red marker on his face

"Erza!!" Jellal started laughing


When i was trying to fix it it kind of backfired... Instead he suggested that I just make him a cool temporary tattoo across his eye. When I finished I have to admit it looked awesome.

"I want one too!" I said passing him a blue marker

"No Erza, I don't want your mom screaming at me because I drew on your face." He teased


I see he got himself the exact same design and color but permanent. I blush at the thought

~End of Chapter two~

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