Story Prompts

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Cat Got Your Tongue?

By: Brian A. Klems | April 26, 2016 |

You wake up for work one day, brush your teeth, pack your computer bag and head out the door. But when you walk into your office building and try to say hello to the receptionist, you can't speak. What's got your tongue? Can the receptionist speak, or is her voice gone as well?

Angry Doppelgänger

By: Brian A. Klems | April 19, 2016 |

You decide to spend the day enjoying the sunny weather. And that's great, until you see him (or her)-but who? The person looks exactly like you, but you know that you don't have a twin. And what's this, he (or she) is approaching you-angrily. Who is this, and why are is this person so...

Clown College Valedictorian

By: Brian A. Klems | April 12, 2016 |

You've graduated from clown college and have been named valedictorian of your class. You must give an inspirational speech to all the other bozos in the crowd and, after weeks of writing, you finally think you've nailed it. Show us you delivering your speech.

Dear Me

By: Brian A. Klems | April 5, 2016 |

Opening up your lunch box, you expect to find your normal mixture of baby carrots, a slightly-mushed sandwich and a clementine. But today's different. Instead of the food you swore you had packed that morning, there's a mysterious note signed by-yourself? What does it say, and why can't you remember writing it? Perhaps most...

Enter the Void

By: Brian A. Klems | March 29, 2016 |

At first it's like any other day. You wake up, shower, start to brew your morning cup of coffee, and that's when you notice-outside the window, there's nothing there. Just an endless black void. What happened? Where are you? How do you get back to reality?

Running With a Ghost

By: Brian A. Klems | March 21, 2016 |

You start training to run a half-marathon. Things are going well and you've developed a route that you like to run. One day you notice someone peeking out the window of one of the houses you pass, though you think nothing of it. But then the next day the peeper is back again. And...

All in a Days Work

By: Brian A. Klems | March 15, 2016 |

As a doctor for hire you've met a fair share of odd folks. Nothing quite like this though: A man in his mid-thirties stands before you, clutching a wound just given to him by another man sprinting down the street. Now the perpetrator trips and lands on his own knife. Screaming for help and...

Olympic Trip

By: Brian A. Klems | March 8, 2016 |

You have been chosen to help carry the Olympic Torch for the 2016 Summer Olympics. It's finally your turn to carry the Torch and you are so nervous you might throw up. You take the Torch from its previous carrier and start running. As cameras flash and the world watches, you trip and go...

Wedding Crashers

By: Brian A. Klems | March 1, 2016 |

You are standing at the altar waiting to marry the person of your dreams. The preacher says, "Should anyone here present know of any reason that this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace." You smile at your soon-to-be spouse, ready to get on with the...

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