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Gathered around the fire they sat, all but cassi had beer. Cassi sat buried in a mass of warm blankets, she drank hot chocolate, trying to warm herself. Everyone is having a grand time, they all drink in cassi's honor.

Brian, cassi's closest friend the one who convinced the others that she was worth it.

He occasionally looks at cassi to make sure she's all right. Jimmy and johnny are wasted as usual, not caring if they are waking up the neighborhood.

Zack and Matthew talk quietly in the corner of the yard, matthew who only has had half a beer and zack who only had one, are deep into their conversation.

Cassi didnt pay attention to them, ever since brian brought her around they've always talked in secret. Cassi had always felt like they did not like her, after all zack fought hard to not let cassi around.

Matthew had always agreed with zack, yet zacks arguments never got in the way of Matthews final decision. When he made the decision to let cassi in, it took alot for him to do it, after all cassi was an outsider.

-"Hey cass" brian called, snatching her attention away from the fire "you doin' alright? You seem quiet" his eyes stayed on her, the drunkards chimed in

-"yeah cass, you should be celebrating with us, after all it is for you" jimmy grabs a beer and brings it to her. With the palm of his hand he pops the lids off "here drink"

cassi took the bottle, giving brian a questioning look

-"go ahead" he said. She took a swig and then spit it out in disgust

-"ew gross, how do you guys evem drink this?" jimmy and johnny let out howls of laughter.

-"Its a prefered taste" brian said taking the bottle from cassi.

-"Its still gross" she said then taking a large gulp of hot chocolate to remove the taste, it does the trick.

-"Enough, its getting late, its midnight anyways" matthew says while kicking dirt into the fire, smothering the bright flame into nothing.

As everyone gathers their trash, cassi cant help but feel zacks eyes on her. Not wanting to make contact she picks up her things and heads inside.

-"Oh hey cass, your room is all fixed up for you, brian show her the way" brian nods and leads cassi to her room. He leads her upstairs to the end of the hallway

-"we left it blank so you can decorate it how you like, but i know how much you hate small beds. So i got you a king size mattress, you also have a desk and some books. I know how you like books."

cassi has always been fond of how well brian knows her, for the longest time she was afraid of him and his brothers. But now she loves them all the same, some more than others.

During school, cassi had a class with each of them. Every day she sat next to jimmy in chemistry, listening to the music blaring from his headphones. Aslo the snores that often escape his mouth from time to time. He had always copied of her paper, with out her he's fail chemistry.

Jimmy she had in math, he did the almost exact same thing, but he actually did his own work and sat three seats behined her.

Matthew she had in english, he was great at putting words together. He had a thing for correcting the teacher on his grammer, and calling out any mispelled words.

Our teacher despised him, but did not deny his literature ingeniousness.

In art class she had zack, no matter how amazing her art was, how clean her lines were, he always had something negative to say.

When sketching he would purposely bumb into her to mess up her piece.

Or he would 'acedently' splash paint on her paintings, which once backfired on him.

When art competition came around, the piece she worked on For months was finally finished, everyone admired her work.

Zack on the other hand had a plan to destroy it, spilling red paint on it cass had no other choice but to enter it into the contest.

When the announcement for the winners came up cassi had gotten first place, zack went on a rage.

Zack has never liked her, not since he first layed eyes on her. Brian on the other hand was always there when cassi needed him.

Even though she feared him, he was always there to lend a helping hand. They had theater together, the best class she's ever been to.

She sat with her friend alissa in the back on the auditorium, away from brian. She didnt get to know him untill she was casted as wendy and he as peter.

They worked together day and night learning their lines and practicing their movements.

Even then cassi was still scared of him, not untill he saved her life. Not untill he stayed with her day and night in the hospital for a week straight.

Walking home from school she breathed in the cold air of the dark night.

The moon shone bright giving light to the earth, the trees glowed with the light the wet ground looked like crystals among the black pavment.

Nothing was more peaceful compared to this. She tilted her head up looking at the stars, they twinkled like glitter.

A screech came out of no where a red car zoomed by her, the car braked hard then started backing up.

-"Hey honey, what you doing out this late. You know its dangerous out her for a small girl like you" the others in the back chuckled "come on sweetie, why dont we give you a ride home?" his words made her cringe, yet she keeps walking. They follow slowly along with the car "oh come on sweet cheeks, we dont bite" he said with a toothy smile.

-"Oh but i do" cassi replied with disgust, the car stopped as she kept walking.

The blonde hair driver gets out of his car "get in the car, Now." he grans her by the arm, cassi clenched her fist and punched him in the face.

-"Agh, bitch!" he dragged her to his car as she screamed for help. Another guy opened his door and pulled her in. She kicked and screamed as the blondie drove off.

She fought them, with every thing she had in her she fought. The men had parked the car in an abandoned parking lot of an abandoned building.

She screamed and cried for someone to help her, and someone did. The car window shattered into peices causing the driver to scream as the glass his his face.

The others scrambled out of the car, cassi struggled to get out of the car to start running. When she gained whatever little strength she had she ran.

Though she didnt get far she hid behined a dumpster, trying to piece herself back together but all she could do was cry.

The commotion in the parking lot died off and the red car sped away. Cassi stayed behined the dumpster, fear petrified her, she couldnt move. Out of no where a figure pops out from the corner, cassi screamed and tried to fight him off.

-"Cassi" he yelled "its me, brian. Its okay, its me" he repeated those words untill cassi stopped.

She held him and didnt let go, he carried her to his house where the other lounged around. And that started their greatest friendship ever.

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