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The sun sank slowly into the ground, the sound of cassi vomitting echos through the house. Zack stays by her side holding her hair and rubbing her shaky back.

-"Almost done?" he asks jokingly

-"im never done, and when i am there's more" she put her face into the toilet bowl again.

The days have been hard, her week is almost up, through the week she stopped breathing three times in one night.

Her body fell into random seizure like spasms, often she locked her room door, causing them to remove it for the time being.

Matthew sat and waited for the phone call from the police. The anticipation kills him on the inside.

Johnny and jimmy leave small gifts for cassi around the house in order to make her smile.

So far she has found her favorite movie and snacks, a picture of all of them together, And a small stuffed animal.

They insist there's more.

Brian switched his schedual around, he now slept during the day and stayed awake at night in order to keep an eye on cassi.

At night he'd lay by her side and wrap his arms around her, he keeps his ear close to her mouth to make sure she's still breathing.

When she awakes he makes her eat a small bowl of soup to start her day. Then he goes back to his room and sleeps the day away.

Cassi is scared, she never knows when the next spasms come, or how long they'll last.

She vomits every ten minutes, she's woken up to cpr more than several times. Her body is sore and weak, on the good days she walks through the house looking for the gifts left around for her.

The doctor says the trial is almost over, and that everything with reside in a few days after they take her off the syrum.

She feels for the bullet wound on her lower left stomach, the hole is still healing but she can't help but touch it.

No one will tell her about the person who did it, her fustration slightly grows everytime one of them says

-"dont worry cass, we took care of it"

Took care of what, or who? These question run through her mind a million miles an hour.

*flash back matts pov*
Driving my mustang down this quiet dark road is relaxing. Of course im always relaxed before a hunt.

Everyone is silent, we all prepare ourselves in our own way. Brian listens to his music through his head phones.

Zack plays with his switchblade, flicking it open and closing it repeatedly. The twins are asleep, i never understand how they always sleep in an important time like this.

Then again i never understand anything they do.

My way of relaxing is driving, feeling the pur of my car, the sound it makes when i rev the engine. The smooth road, and the hum it makes against the tires.

The closer i get to our destination the more adrenalin pumping into my body. I pull up to our destination, zack shakes the twins awake and instantly the are up and ready to go.

Brian takes his earbuds out and grabs his weapon of choice, the baseball bat. He understands the situation so he also carrys a colt 45.

Zack readys his guns, the twins ready theirs, and i well i have my baby with me.

We burst through the front doors of Camerons house guns blazing. The twins take down the guards at the front door, brian injures the third, we sweep thw whole house "check the house, take out anyone who comes your way, if you find cameron leave him to me" they nod their heads in understanding, god i love to be in control.

One of the guards are still alive, walking over brian sits him up "where's cameron?" i ask my patience wear thin "where is he!!. The guard winces as i put my baby on his temple "he's-he's in his room" he lets out a whimper "up stairs in the room with the double doors" he manages to spit out. I stand ready to claim my kill "thank you" i like to give the guards hopes of living before brian bashes them in.
I make my way to the room where cameron is having a good time. Moans escapes from the walls. Oh how i love to ruin a perfect moment. I signal the boys to come up and ready themselves to kick down the door. "One" zack wispers, "two" now brian, "THREE" the twins yell as we smash the door open. The lady in the bed with cameron screams and runs for her clothes. As she picks them up i catch a gleam of silver "gun!!" i screams as the full silver pistol is exposed to the moon light. Jimmy shoots his and the bullet hits her straight between the eyes. She falls to the ground like a dead body.....Oh wait.
*flash back ends*

-"Hey matt" cassis voice sounded frail and quiet.

-"hey whats up? Feeling better?" he stands to help her to a chair.

-"yeah im doing a bit better, but i just wanted to ask you something" her hands shooks.

-"what is it?" he asks grabbing her hand to keep still.

-"would it be okay if i took one of the cars out for a bit, i've havent thrown up in over an hour, nor had any spams" her voice cracked.

Sending her into a quiet retreat.

-"no, but once we are sure you are okay and the doctor gives the approval, you can take any car you want. . . even mine"

his promise give cassi a bit of ease, for she needs this.

-"okay" she doesnt protest "thank you matt" she begins to stand but her legs give out on her. Matt quickly catches her

-"how about we take a little nap, huh?" he carrys her to his bed and lays her down

Her eyes begun to shut

-"a nap sounds nice" she yawns and falls quickly to sleep.

Matthew lays beside her, and covers her with a light blanket. He holds her in his arms tightly, never wanting to let go.

*flash back matt*
Cameron lays naked on the ground, he holds the knee that was just shattered. He pleads to me
-"p-please, mathew, look man i-it was an offer i couldnt refuse, she had a heavy price for her head" he gasps as my foot digs into his side, his body sqirms. "Look there alot of talk going around, st-claire himself came up to me, he thinks your friend is his daughter" my anger starts to rise
-"so he was going to have you kill her?!" i shouted
-"no man not him, he just wanted her back home. It was the lady who wanted her dead"
-"lady? what lady? Who?" my questions go un answered. "WHO?" i raise knife to his throat.
-" I dont know man, she just said she was an old friend of his, that her and your friend use to be very close, and that she'd rather see your friend dead before seeing her back with st-claire"

This woman, who is she? Could it be? Cassis birth mother? I snatch my head up.
-"we have to leave" i order
-" but what about cameron?" zack asks cocking his gun.
-"leave him, st-claire will take care of him" the realization of cameron set in, he began to plead and beg
-"no, wait. Please kill me, please! Don't leave me to him. Please kill me" we walks away as he began to scream "KILL ME! PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF OUR MOTHER PLEASE!!!"
What will happen to him, frankly i dont care. We all head into the car and drive home where cassi waits for use in the front porch.

-"where were you guys? i was worried sick!" she yelled glaring at me
-"my dear i dont think you can get any sicker" brian laughed at his joke. A marshmellow hits him in the face "hey now i was just kidding" brian said holding his white bandana in the air.
-"your not suppose to be eating marshmellows cassi" i say taking the bag from her hand
-"call it stress eating" she walks inside.

My token, my isabella.

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