endings are better

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Years later i finally get to see my daughter, once again i get to hold her in my arms. I get to give her everything she's wanted. My mind spins on how fast she has grown, how much of a strong beautiful woman she has become. And today i get to walk her down the aisle, to someone who would give his life for her. To someone who i trust as my right hand man, him and his brother.

The others are still on the run from us, though my daughter has made me promise to stop hunting them. But they dont know that. One of the brothers came to my door step for mercy, which was quickly granted, jimmy i think his name is. He says him and his twin had a disagreement on who's loyalty should be where, behined their backs he snuck off and found my daughter. She just like my mother,quickly to forgive and take in but never will forget. The twin i also see has trouble adjusting with out the other. He roams around hoping to see him, he busys himself with games, but none ever satisfy him. I've pared him with my nephew, it seems to do him good to have someone like him, but for him it will never be the same. He will always miss the bond he had with his brother. I truly feel sorry for him

-"papa are you ready?" isabella stepped in interrupting her fathers thoughts.

Quickly turning around his fathers eyes widened. He gazed in awe at how beautiful she is, his cigar stuck at the side of his mouth. He stared at the white dress,and the jewels that sparkled. The veil that accented her face, her eyes glowed a bright green color the red lipstick popped. Her honey brown skin glowed in the room lighting.

-"say something" she began to blush

-"you look just like your...grandmother" he pulls a picture from his breast pocket, it was of her grandmother on her wedding day. "She wanted me to give you this on your wedding day" he pulls out a small gift.

Isabella takes the gift and slowly unties the ribbon.

-"a music box" she said opening it to listen to the melody, the same melody her grandmother hummed to her at night when her mother and father fought.

-"i love it" she exclaimed getting teary eyed.

-"ah, no" father said wiping the tears that fell away "there will be no crying on your wedding day" he gives her a kiss on the head "im proud of you"

The door opens and jimmy steps through.
-"awww snap!! Look at this cutie over here!!" he falls over the small chair. "Ow" he says laying on the ground.

-"there goes the moment" another voice came through the doorway "get off the floor you dummie" brian steps in.

He stops in his place staring at the bride to be.

-"you...you look absolutely beautiful" he stands and admires her dress.

-"sucks you arnt the one thats marrying her" jimmy hops to his feet. Brians punches him in the arm.

-"aye, how did you become friends with such people" st.Claire laughed

-"call it fate papa" she gave the boys a wink.

The planner walks into the room.

Gasping at the bride aswell "gorgeous" she checks her clip board.
"The wedding is starting now"

She goes through the checklist "bride-check, groom-check, father of the bride-check, best men" she looks to the boys "check, the ring" she looks to brian who pats his pockets.

-"got it" he pulls it out of his pocket

"Check" the planned makes one last check. "Alright places everyone"

Brian and jimmy make their way out of the room and to the altar beside there brother. Zack waits in anticipation, wanting to see his soon to be wife.

The music begins to play and the crowd stands to their feet. With all eyes on the bride. Gasps and whispers escape from the crowd, smiles are spread on every face in the room.

Their eyes glued to each other, afraid to break eye contact.

At the altar st.Claire hands her over to zack. Zack gracefully accepting her hand in his.

-"you look beautiful" he whispers

-"and you look so handsome" she whispers back

The crowd sits,and the ceremony begins. The vows are spoken and the preist finishes.

-"do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife"

-"i do"

-"and do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband"

She smiles.

-"i do"

-"you may now kiss the bride" the preist closes his book and steps back allowing the couple to embrace each other.

The crowed errupts in roars and applause, family and friends of both sides stand together.

The reception on the other note was a complete and utter riot. Between isabella falling over her gown halfway through the first dance. And jimmys drunken games he involved the whole crowd in, the night surely could of ended better. Though she is happy to be standing by the love of her life, and the life that has just begun inside her.

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