Chapter 4

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When hiccup woke up he guessed that he was only out for a couple of hours by where the sun was in the sky. Hiccup sat up groaning from the pain in his neck. He saw that toothless was watching every move he made like a hawk.

"God toothless what did you do to me?" Hiccup moaned as pain shot up his shoulder blade. Toothless just sat there before getting up and nudged hiccup towards the water. Hiccup gasped and leaned closer to the water and ran his fingers over the purple flame that was where toothless bit him.

"Oh wow it's beautiful, but what does it mean though?" Hiccup asked turning to toothless. Toothless walked over to hiccup and pressed their foreheads together. Hiccup felt this weird sensation on his forehead before images flashed through his head. He saw two night furys snuggling together, the next one was that the smaller of the two had a swollen stomach and the bigger one was nuzzling it. The last one was the smaller one had its tail wrapped around a clutch of 4 eggs. The image disappeared and toothless pulled back starring at hiccup hopeful.

"Wait so I'm like your mate or something?" Hiccup asked confused. Toothless purred and nodded his head. Hiccup let a deep breath out and ran his hands through his hair. Toothless wined in worry as hiccup turned and started to pace. Hiccup stopped short and walked over to toothless and wrapped his arms around toothless's head.

"I'm sorry tooth. Its just going to take me awhile to get used to it." Whispered hiccup scratching the scales under toothless's chin. Hiccup smiled as toothless nuzzled him back purring like a little kitten. Hiccup's stomach growled and toothless pushed hiccup towards the fire. Hiccup laughed and sat down and started to eat the cooked rabbit from earlier.

For the next couple of days hiccup and toothless grew closer, closer that just rider and dragon. Hiccup rarely left the beach because toothless wouldn't let him get any food. See the more dominant dragon would do all the hunting and fighting while the submissive one would take care of the shelter and the hatchlings they might of had that season.

"Toothlessssss I want to take a bath in fresh water. I don't want to feel dried up sea salt on my skin!!" Wined hiccup as toothless growled lightly and pushed hiccup back. After awhile toothless gave up and followed closely begone hiccup as he walked to a small hot spring he found earlier. Hiccup stripped and slowly slipped into the water hissing as the hot water washed over his body. As hiccup relaxed toothless walked around checking everything out. After awhile toothless came back and laid on the edge of the hot spring and watched Hiccup. When hiccup got out toothless growled running his eyes over hiccups naked body. When hiccup dressed toothless walked over and slipped hiccup onto his back.

"Whoa!! What are you doing tooth?!" Hiccup said as he gripped onto toothless and squeezed his legs around his middle. When toothless knew hiccup was securely on his back he took off running. Hiccup screamed and giggled as toothless jumped over logs and rocks. When toothless finally ran back to the beach hiccup slipped off toothless's back and laid on the sand waiting for his heart to calm down. As hiccup staired into the sky a shooting star shot through the sky and hiccup closed his eyes and made a wish.

'I wish that I could understand toothless and that he had his tail fin back.' He thought before reopening his eyes. After awhile toothless laid down behind hiccup and pulled hiccup against him and they snuggled together before falling asleep.

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