Chapter 1

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This all felt so surreal. You pull into an enormous parking lot filled with many different vehicles...Finally, you made it to Pax. A nostalgic feeling submerged through your head as it has been a dream to visit the usual weekend long stay at Pax. Though you heard that some big YouTubers also would come to the location and meet fans and do a panel. That part of it all got you kind of nervous as you've never really met anyone with that type of standard.

You lock the car door and head up to the entrance where a short line waited. The reason for it being so small is because you left your hometown early to have plenty of time for your first day.

Standing in the line you began to think of the possibilities that could occur over this excited weekend. 'This is my first time to leave home and travel somewhere this big. What if I mess something up? What if I make a friend? What if I meet a YouTuber?' You thought to yourself as more people started to flood the line.

After a few minutes, you were let into the building. It was astonishing. The feeling of finally being able to accomplish what seemed like a bucket list goal.

With a smile on your face you walked around a bit, getting to know your surroundings. Only several booths were laid out at the time, you watched as people were setting up new ones for the convention to begin. Though it was a bit weird how they let people in when others were having to still prepare the place this year.


About thirty minutes later Pax was up and running. None of the panels were quite ready to be used yet, but most of the small booths are settled. You approach some and talk to people. The majority of people you shared a conversation with were mostly excited about being able to meet the YouTubers. On the other hand you haven't heard of any of the names mention like Mark or Jack. But you'd still like to meet them too and maybe learn something about them.

As other fans enter the massive building you notice that half of them are dressed in costumes. Some Undertale, Cosplaying as YouTubers, and a bunch of video game characters. It seemed nice, like you belonged there. You could really relate with what the people there were saying and doing.

Suddenly in the distance you hear high-pitched screams. So confused as of to what was going on, you ask a girl who stood next to you, "Hey what's happening? Why is everyone yelling?"

"Can you not see who's here?"

"No, the crowd is too big. All I can see are the back of heads."

"Oh, well Jack just arrived. Mark should be here any second now."

You felt so lost. You hated that you didn't know these YouTube guys. You felt left out. With the confusion still lingering, you decide to cheer as well, along with the crowd of fans.

Once everyone settled down a little, the so-called "Jack" guy stood on a stage in the middle of the room. You could finally see what he looks like, with his green hair and grey t-shirt. At first he faced away from you, then soon turned around, you could see his features; facial hair and blue eyes. As he faced you, his eyes locked onto yours, now staring at one another. Your heart fluttered as he smiled at you.




Hey guys, so this is my first Jacksepticeye fanfiction. I hope you like it. Now usually I make my chapters extremely long with up to 1,000 words or more, but I wanted to make PAX sort of like this chapter ya'know not terribly long.

Another thing. I have never been to any Pax convention place thingy so please forgive me if I say something wrong about the whole deal. I have no clue what Pax is like and I'm making all of this up in my head.

Lastly, I do hope to update this story, but I don't know when the next chapter will be published. It could be tomorrow or next month. Just please bare with me, I either get writers block or too busy. Anyway, hope you enjoy the book. I plan to update as soon as I can.

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