Chapter 22

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Opening your eyes, you stretch greatly and reach over to your bedside table. You grabbed your phone and read his text.

[Top of the mornin' to ya lassie!!]

A big smile etched across your lips as you began to reply back.

[Good morning ya goof ball.]

[Lol. How are you? What's been going on lately? Did you get your drunken friends home?]

[Yeah it was my idea to go out for some drinks, but they're okay. And I've been fine. I wish I could see you though. How've you been?]

[I've been good. Getting things back in ship shape. :D And yes, I wish I could see you too. Hey today's a somewhat free day for me since I'm not recording anything. Do you wanna Skype?]

[Yes. I would love to! Just give me a minute and I'll call you.]


You immediately jump out of bed, dress yourself, and fix your hair. Feeling so pleased to finally hear from Sean after a week was like a million pounds lifted from your chest. You couldn't wait to talk each other's ears off. As you brushed out one last tangle, you lay down back in bed and video call Sean. While waiting five to six seconds, he answers.

"Hi Sean!" You grin and wave at your cellphone screen.

"Hey (Y/N)!" He spoke with joy to the sound of your voice.

"How's Ireland?"

"Oh the same. All rainy," He laughed. "How's your hometown?"

"It's alright. Been trying to get back into my old work routine. Nothing really special."

"I know it's only been like a week or whatever, but I really do miss you (Y/N)."

"I miss you too. I know this is a bit sudden, but do you know when your next flight to America would possibly be?"

"Erhh-I'm not sure yet. But I'll let you know as soon as I do."

"Okay." You smiled.

"Well now, I'm not even remotely sure if my next flight would be in a town near you." Sean said sounding a bit saddened.


"Yeah, however, I'll try my best. I really want to see you in person again!"

"Me too."

"Hey wanna play a game together? Like Overwatch or Gmod?" He said changing the subject.

"Sure! I'll have to download a game first on to my PC."


About an hour or two passed of both of you playing online games together. It was so fun to experience the gamer side of Sean. After several rounds of the game you two chose, you both went back to talking. The conversations varied from silly and pointless to down right serious, in fact the subject of seeing each other surfaced again.

"Hold on a second (Y/N) I'm getting an email." Said Sean as you quietly waited for him to finish reading it. "Oh! I have some great news!" He spoke with excitement in his tone.

"What is it?"

"There's another convention that I'll be attending, that's I think about thirty minutes away from your town!"

"Oh my-really!? When is it?" You asked feeling more and more excited.

"Next month..."

"Oh. Well. Just two more weeks then and I can see you. Right? What's the location?"

Sean told you the address to the small convention that lasted only a few days. You honestly didn't care too much about it. Meaning you'd wait the two weeks no matter what, and was also blessed he even had the chance to visit again not terribly far away. He set the official date he would be flying in. Once the big announcement was established he had to say farewell for now, as he needed to finish up on some last minute editing.

Waving goodbye to your screen, Sean logged off of Skype and went back to work. You sat in bed feeling happy. You thought it was cute the way he kissed the screen before ending the call. You smiled greatly as you marked the date on your calendar and started to enjoy the rest of your day knowing you were loved by your crush.

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