Chapter 30

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"Top of the mornin' to ya laddies! My name is Jack-"

"Sean! What the hell? It's 04:30 in the fucking morning!" You loudly interrupt as Sean held a camera and pocket-sized ring- light in the corner of the motel room.

"Top of the morning then?"

You say nothing as you blankly stare at Sean in rage for waking you up so early in the day. "I'm sorry, I forgot to whisper."

"Sean, why are you making a video at four A.M.?"

"Because I needed to explain the situation to my subscribers why I'll be absent from YouTube for a while. I had to make it early so I could edit it. Plus we need to leave here in about an hour or two to get your car."

"Okay, but please be quieter. I'll be up in thirty minutes." You say as you lay back down in bed and fall asleep.


Once it was 05:00 you had gotten up and prepared for the day. Sean was already ready to leave due to the earlier incident. The two of you check out of the motel and grab something to eat at a fast food restaurant, which later lead to riding in another taxi to pick up your car at the repair shop.

With you still feeling the bit of fatigue lingering, you manage to talk things out with the businessman at the shop and get back your vehicle with ease. Sean hops in as you drive to the nearest gas station. While filling up the tank, Sean enters the building and buys some drinks and snacks for the road trip to your town. After paying for the gas and Sean returning to the car, you both travel down the interstate listening to music.


Several hours pass and you two arrive at your house. "So this is where I live."

"Wow is looks very lovely!" Sean said as he exited the car. He helped with bags and the two of you walk inside house.

"Sorry if it seems like a mess. I've been gone as you know."

"No it looks fine. I like it a lot. The setup is nice."

You smile and take your bags into your room. You give Sean a tour of your place which you soon both sit on the couch to rest a bit. The plan was that you were both going to start on packing up a few belongings. There wasn't much to gather due to the fact that the furniture came with the house. Then you were going to talk with someone about putting it up for sale and manage transferring your job to Athlone, Ireland where Sean lived.

"So much to do in so little time." You sigh.

"Yep. You're right. But it feels good to sit down for a second and relax."

Once you two caught your energy, Sean helped you with packing boxes for the move. You two felt so happy about it, being able to live together. Soon when an hour passed you were on the phone with a Realtor about selling your house, the paperwork and business doing so would be easy and simple as you needed to meet up with someone in the following days.

The day was coming to an end and you were both exhausted from the hard work. Only a few more boxes to go. Sean fixed dinner and you two later went to bed.


The next morning, you called your boss about a transfer, which you had to see them within three hours. "Hey Sean!"

"...Yeah." He lazily answered as he rolled over in the bed to face you.

"I'm gonna head out and run some errands. I'll see you later. Will you take care of the house while I'm gone?"

"Yeah sure thing!" He said falling back asleep.

The errands were a little struggle due to traffic but it wasn't too bad, your last stop was work. Heading there you feel nervous about your boss as they didn't sound so happy about the subject of transferring. Though you kept on going strong with a positive attitude.


"Come in (Y/N)." Your boss said with a firm tone.

"Hi, so I wanted to ask you about switching locations. I'd like to stick with the same company, only transfer it to Athlone."

"Ireland? Why!?"

"I'm moving the end of the week."

"Humph. Alright."

"Is something wrong?"

"Tell me. Why are you moving to Ireland in such short notice?"

"Oh, I met this wonderful man that I've known for sometime now and I agreed to move in with him. I love this job a lot and would like to keep it in Ireland. I'm also dealing with selling the house and getting paperwork ready for moving to a different country."

"I see. Well, you will be missed. You were a fantastic worker. I'll get in touch with the company in Athlone and transfer your work to there. Goodbye (Y/N)." They shook your hand and it was done.


Throughout the week you contacted friends and family about the big news, they all supported you and said their farewells. The Realtor also had your home up for sale. It was now time to say one last goodbye to your town and even your country. Everything was packed and a flight was scheduled.

"You ready (Y/N)?" Sean asked.

"I think I am." You say standing on your porch, getting one last glimpse before you left.


As time went on you two aboard the plane heading to Ireland. You felt so excited to start a new life with Sean in Athlone. You stare out the window, looking over the ocean, Sean holding your hand. You smiled greatly as you prepare for your future.

Hours pass and you and Sean enter the country. Making it towards the small town you both ride in a cab that dropped you all off at his flat. It was such a pretty apartment, just the right size for the two of you. Sean helps once more and unpacks your bags and boxes. Finally you made it to your new home. He kisses you on the lips. The sun was setting and Sean grabbed some booze. "To our future together!" He said raising a glass, smiling at you. "To us!" You say with joy.

~The End~

Thank you all so so much for reading this fanfic for over a year now. I can't believe it's taken that long but here we are. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

I'm sorry so much was crammed into one chapter at the end but I kinda wanted to leave it at 30 chapters.

Anyway I'm thankful someone even decided to read the story. It means the world. You guys were with me through thick and thin with writing the book.

Please, tell me what you think!

If you'd like to hear more from me or my art I have an account on instagram dedicated to Jacksepticeye and Markiplier type stuff called @ htfsart

I love you all very much!!!


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