Chapter 2 Shoey?

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Chapter 2

Shane's POV

I should call Joey and find out what his search was about. I had Joey on speed dial. I was about to push call then memories and emotions poured into me. How I felt about Joey. His smile. His soft lips. His soft but strong hands. His perfect hair. I can't believe this.. I never felt this way about Lisa. I think I may be in love with Joey. I'll call him and figure this out.

I quickly dialed 3 then called.

Joey: "H-hello?"

Why did he sound scared. Is he scared of me?

Shane: "Hey. Can I come over. We need to talk.."

Joey: "T-talk? Oh umm. Yeah sure. Come over when you want to."

Shane: "Is now okay?"

I hope he didn't think I was being rude..

Joey: "Oh. Uhh yeah. Come over."

I didn't say bye I just hung up. I grabbed my keys and slipped on my shoes. I headed out the door. I got into my car and drove to Joey's place.

I got there 10 minutes later and I walked up to the door. I took a deep breath then knocked. Joey answerd really fast, almost like he was waiting at the door for me. He stared at me for a minute then he spoke. His voice was shakey. He sounded afraid.

Joey: "C-Come in.."

I stepped inside and followed Joey over to the couch. Im so scared of what I have to tell him.

Shane: "Joey look.."

I tried to tell him but I was getting a call.. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and looked at the screen. It was Lisa.

Shane: Hang on Joey.

On the phone

Shane: Hey Lisa.

Lisa: Hey Shane. There's something I have to tell you..

Shane: Go on..

Lisa: *Starts crying* I cheated on-on you..

Shane: You.. YOU WHAT?!

I walked away from Joey a little bit so he couldn't hear.

Shane: How could you do this to me Lisa! We have been dating for a year!

Lisa: I know I know, its just. I lost my feelings for you. I feel like you are a new person ever since Joey came into our lifes.

Shane: So you don't break up with me, you cheat on me? Is this some joke?!

Lisa: I wish it was.. I'm sorry Shane..

I was so mad I just hung up the phone.

Joey's POV

I heard yelling. Is Shane screaming at Lisa? I hope they break up so I can have Shane. I like Lisa and all but Shane.. oh Shane..

Just then I started thinking of Shane. The first time we met, his face, his jokes. That made me want him. Right now.

Shane came storming into the room.

Joey: Are you alright Shane?

Shane: I think Lisa and I just broke up..

We awkwardly looked at each other until Shane broke the silence.

Shane: Why did you search up.... What you did on my computer?

Joey: Well.. don't laugh..... When we kissed, I felt something. I just wanted to stay in that moment forever. With you.

Shane was looking at me. I don't think he likes what I just said. Just then Shane slammed his lips on mine. He was pulling me closer and soon he was on my lap trying to pull my shirt off. I pushed away even though I really didn't want to.

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