Sweet dreams...

45 3 6

A demon, or an angel? The boy with black hair and icy blue eyes, walked into the forest, glanced back and disappeared in the fog.....A hand...his hand reached out for me

"Vi take my hand I'll save you!"

*Beep beep beep.

Its 6:45 and my alarm went off.

"Agh That dream again....."

I've been having the same people in my dreams since i can remember. I dont even remember meeting them in real life...but they are not human...thats for sure. In the past I thought it was just the result of watching too much supernatural movies, with blood and inhuman creatures...but sometimes they feel too real that i get the feeling its not just a dream.

As im being distracted by these thoughts time flies and its already 7:30. Im late!

"Great the first day of school and im already late....nice Violet."

I busted out my apartment's door and ran to catch the bus but my 'luck' just happened to be on vacation today, i missed it...

There was nothing left to do but to walk, so i started walking. When i reached the school gate it felt like a haunted area. Regardless of the sun shining from behind the building it was scary. Dead silence surrounded the school not a single soul seemed to be around.

I walked through the gate and noticed someone leaning against the wall. It was a guy. Ah a skipper....i cant stand those so called "bad boys" they try to act all cool and stuff, but they're just idiots who dont care about anything.

*Just walk by him, calmly. Don't make eye contact.

"Huh hey newbie its not gonna give a good first impression of you if you skipp on your first day." he chuckled.

"Just for your info im not skipping....im late" i said a bit ashamed.

Why did i answer?!?!

"What ever, same thing."he shrug his shoulders. "Go hurry if you don't want to get in trouble." he said and waved his hand in the schools direction.

"ch" great first day--> im late and i made a new best friend. Haaa this years gonna be so exiting....cant wait.

I froze as soon as i entered the front foyer....

"H-huge....l-lets see"

I took the map and the information sheet the school has sent me but, it was really confusing...i could not find my way.

*Sigh "I ended up coming back to the foyer. aaa what do i doooo?"

"Hah still not skippin'?"

A voice from behind me said. I turned around and saw the guy from before.

"Yes. I mean NO im still NOT skipping I-Im lost..." i dropped my head.

*This is so emberassing...

"Well good luck findig your way."

With that he turned around and started walking up the stairs.

"Wha- Wait!"

He turned around and looked at me. Now i actually got a better view of him....i could say he was....attractive. My eyes wandered from the top of his coal black hair to his ocean blue eyes....

"C-can u help me?" i asked while looking down.

"....What class you have?"he asked casually.

I rushed through the pile of papers i recieved from the school looking for my schedule, and what do you know i dropped all of them.



"Boy you're really clumsy arent you?" he asked annoyed as he walked down to me, and he helped me pick the papers up.

"Looks like you have Chemistry. How unfortunate you're in my class." he said as he stood up and handed me the papers.

"Thanks" i started following him to the chem class.

"Well well well look who decided to show up to class. If it isnt Mr. Williams. You scamp!" the teacher yelled at him.

I took this opportunity to peek at him from my helpers back, and say something...after all he did help me.

"Um excuse me but urm you see im new here and i couldnt find my way in this school and urm so he helped me t-thats why hes late."

"....hrm" the teacher murmured "You got your new girlfriend to defend you here, I see. You got away with it this time. Sit down." he ordered him.

Jeez hes strick i feel like i'll have to respond with 'yes, sir yes'.

"Now as it is for you i'll accept you being late this time, go take a seat beside your new friend."



Heeey guys sooo this is going to be my very first story that im writing and idk how ull like it but some feedback would be great:D thanx

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