Chapter 3

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Sophie's POV

"Morning sweety!" My mom came into my room with breakfast.
"Morning mom! What's all this for?" My mom is never home because she always has to work and my dad died 4 years ago from a car crash.
"I heard about Magcon!! It should be a lot of fun! You guys leave in a 2 days so we should start to pack! You and Shawn are going to have lots of fun."
"Thanks mom your the best. I appreciate everything you do, thanks for letting me go." I ate my breakfast and start getting ready for the day. I look at my phone and see a text from Shawn.

From: Shawn🤘🏻💙
Good morning Soph! Can't wait for our fun day of packing. :))
To: Shawn🤘🏻💙
Aye. Me too see you soon! I'll txt u when I'm on my way over.

I finished my breakfast and looked on Twitter. Tons of people were asking about Magcon, I guess they heard about me going with Shawn. I looked at my followers and saw that I gained 1,000 over night. Damn that's a lot, I thought to myself.

@sophiecarsonnn will you be coming to Nashville??

@sophiecarsonnn are you and Shawn dating?!

Ha. No I wish I muttered under my breath. I better get ready. I took a shower and got ready for the day. I picked out a pair of high waisted jeans and a white fitted crop-top. I wore my grey vans and curled my hair. I also remembered to put on the necklace Shawn gave me for our 13th birthday. It was a silver chain with a heart, and in the heart was a picture of us together. It's one of my favorite pictures we have together.

To: Shawn🤘🏻💙
Leaving :))

I walked over to Shawn's house and knocked on the door.
"Hey babe" Shawn said opening the door.
"Hey boii" I say smiling. I walk in to his house and say hello to his parents.
"Lets go to my room" Shawn says walking up the stairs. I follow him to his room.
"So how's you day going Mendes?" I ask him.
"Great, but I haven't even started packing...wait is that my necklace?" He looks at my neck and points to the necklace.
"Ya" I said blushing. Wow he noticed, I thought. I touched the necklace.
"You kept it?" He said.
"Of course! It's one of my favorite pictures of us!" I said smiling. He looked back at me and gave me a hug.
"It's one of my favorite also" He said blushing. To break the cute but awkward silence between us I decided to ask him about his tour.
"So how is the tour planning going so far?"
"Great. I'm going to miss you, what will you do without me for 3 months?" He says sarcastically. I look at him and laugh.
"Hmmm probably the same thing I do everyday in school. Hangout with my only other friend, Lauren..."
"Oh ya, I'm sorry about that. This year was crazy in school. Everyone was a jerk towards you. I'm really sorry." He says looking down.
"Whatever, it's in the past Shawn..." I mumbled.
"Well if there's anything I could do to make it up to you let me know." Shawn replies, winking.
"Umm, did you just WINK at me Mendes?" I said loudly.
"Maybe Carson" Then he did it again, he winked. What is that supposed to mean? Whatever it's probably nothing. I get up and go over to his closet and start packing. If I don't help, this kid would be wearing nothing the whole time at Magcon. I pick out a couple outfits and put them into his suitcase. Finally after a pizza, and tons of snacks later we are done packing for the day.
"Let's just stay in the rest of the day and relax" I said.
"Sounds good with me" Shawn says, and lets me pick out what we are going to watch. We ended up watching 'Greys Anatomy' and lay on his bed.
"It's soooo hot outside." I complain.
"Ya I know right." Shawn while taking off his shirt. His room was above the garage, so even with the air on it's still really hot in his room. He lays back down and I lay my head on his shoulder. He moves and wraps his arm around me. Damn he's ripped, and that's all I remember thinking before falling asleep in his arms.


I wake up the next day confused, but then I remember I was at Shawn's house. We must've slept through the night. I texted my mom to tell her I was still at Shawn's and looked at Twitter. I was low key stalking some of the guys from Magcon when I heard a voice. It was Shawn.
"Hello beautiful"
"Hey Shawny boy"
"How did you sleep?"
"Pretty good how about you?"
"Great, but can we make pancakes?" He asked me.
"I guess fatty" I joked. "Then I need to go home and pack" We got up and made Mickey Mouse pancakes. It was Sunday morning, and everyone in the house was still sleeping.


We finished the pancakes and walked over to my house. I took a shower and Shawn was in my room supposed to be packing. I put on one of his Magcon shirts and jean shorts. I straightened my hair and put on mascara. I walked into my room and saw Shawn talking to Noah.
"What you guys talking about?" I asked.
"Magcon and my tour" Shawn replied.
"Oh fun..." I said. Suddenly my phone went off and I looked to see who texted me.
"Shit" I muttered handing my phone to Shawn.

CLIFF HANGER AHHH. Thanks for reading my third chapter of The Boy Next Door. Remember to comment ideas and tips in the comments! Love you all!!💕

The Boy Next Door- a Shawn Mendes storyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant