Ch.2- Dusty

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I woke up to Marimba playing on my phone. I wouldn't have woken up so early on a Saturday morning, but I promised Harry I would help him today. I turned my alarm off and made my way out of bed.

"Good Morning, Harry x" I typed as I made my way to the bathroom to get fixed up.

"Gooood Morning, Steeell" He wrote back. I smiled at the fact he had given me a nickname. Stell. I've been called Stella all my life so it's kinda nice to have someone call me by a nickname. Now I just need one for Harry.

I decided to wear what a call a "laid back" outfit since I wasn't really going anywhere. I was just going to be at Harry's, probably dealing with a bunch of dust so I just wore some shorts and a plain T-shirt with a high pony tail. I tied the laces of my white converse, grabbed my phone and headed to Harry's house.

"Hi" I said as soon as I saw Harry opened the door.  

"Hello, love." He said with a nice warm smile as he embraced me in a warm hug.

For some weird reason, I could say that it was kinda nice to hug him. His hug made me feel safe and warm mostly due to the fact of my size compared to his.

"So.. What are we doing today?" I asked taking a look around the empty house. "Well... I'm not quite sure, to be honest. I've never really moved... by myself."

"Well we've got to clean up all this dust..!" I said rubbing my feet on the ground. White converse weren't such a good choice for shoes today.

"I'll go next door and bring everything we need for this looong cleaning day." I laughed and went to my house. I gathered all the materials and made my way back to Harry's and I swear, the weirdest thing ever thing happened when I walked in.

I walked in the door to find Harry sitting on the dusty floor with a.. cat? He saw me walk in a got up kinda dusting off his bum. He picked up the furry animal and held it on front of me.

"I found a cat." He casually said.  

"I wouldn't keep that if I were you."  

"W-why?" He pouted. He looked so adorable holding the cat. The way he was pouting made him look like an adorable 5 year old.

"Please, Stell," Harry said holding the cat in front of my face again. "You can't say no to this poor little face." He begged.

"Alright, alright!" I said pushing Harry's face away. It wasn't the cat's face I couldn't resist, it was Harry's, so I was practically forced to say yes to the begging child.

After playing with the cat for a while we decided to finally get the house fixed up. I dusted off the floor and mopped it until it was shiny while Harry opened up some boxes. He would open a few boxes and look at pictures, then he would place them inside another box which I didn't really understand why.

After a while I sat on the floor next to Harry.  

"Hey," I smiled. "Your floors are clean." I laughed. 

"I see.." He laughed. "Thank you."  

"I'm hungry" I complained. "So am I. Do you know any good food places here?" I asked. 

"I know a few... How about taco bell?" I laughed.  

"Taco Bell it is." he smiled.

We got into Harry's black, shiny car which I wondered how he had. "So how do you have a car? I mean, It's only your second day here." I asked. 

"Well from England. It got shipped here. That's pretty weird to say," he laughed. "It actually comes on a boat."

We got taco bell through the drive through and took it the food to Harry's house. We ate on the floor and talked about random stuff.

"What are you gonna name the cat?" I asked.

"Well... I'm not sure."

 "How about Tommy." I asked.

"I don't really like it," He said. "How about Dusty?" He suggested. His eyes sparkled as he said 'Dusty'. I'm guessing Dusty it is.

Well Do you like it? In case you didn't know, Harry does have a cat named Dusty in real life so see what I did there? ;) Haha, well I guess you know where Dusty got his name from in this story. Anyways Thanks for reading and please comment on feedback :)

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