Ch. 3- Tattoo Shop

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I guess it had been two weeks since Harry had arrived here. His house looked amazing inside and outside. Dusty was doing great, we took him to the vet a couple of days ago just to check up on him and see if everything was right.

I decided to hang out with one of my closest friends, Chelsea. I hadn't seen her much since Harry came so we decided to just go get some frozen yogurt.

I was like a child when it came to frozen yogurt, always picking lots of flavors and candy toppings while Chelsea picked just one flavor and a few fruit toppings. Boring.

"So. It's been a while, where have you been?"  

"With a friend." I simply replied. 

"Oh. What's her name?" 

"It's a guy," I laughed. "And his name is Harry"  

"Oh, Harry. Sounds interesting. So who's this Harry friend of yours?" she asked.  

"Just the boy next door" I replied.  

"Just? Is he cute?" She giggled.  

"Well I don't know." I felt my cheeks kind of blush. I looked down and playe with my yogurt. It was too early to develop a crush on Harry, but he was a very sweet guy...

"I want to meet this Harry guy." she said.

I didn't really know what to reply to her so I just sat there awkwardly eating my yogurt. We sat in the yogurt place in complete silence. No one really spoke and all we basically did was eat. So after that, we said good-bye and made our separate ways back to each others home's.

When I got home I saw Harry outside about to get in to his car.  

"Hey" I smiled. 

"Hi, love." He gave me a warm smile back. 

"Where are you going?" I asked pointing to the open car door. 

"Just going to some place. I have a job interview."  

"Oh. Where?" I asked. 

"Tattoo shop."

Tattoo shop? Oh God.  

"Oh. Nice." I lied. 

"Yep. Well I can't chat for much longer, I've got to go but text me, alright?" he said getting in to his car.

As I walked away, I thought of Harry working in a tattoo shop... All the bad asses work there and Harry's just so... innocent.. I'm not sure if he'll mix in with all of the tattoo artists. I just don't want him to change like the people that have gone in through those doors.

After a while, I decided to text Harry and see how everything was going.

"Wey hey, how's it going?" I reread the message about five times before sending it until I finally did. 

Just a couple of seconds passed by and I got a text from Harry.  

"Greeeat! Got the job :)xx"  


"Oh, that's great. x" I lied again. "When do you start" I asked right after I sent the text.  


Today was Monday, that meant he started in just two days. Oh God.

A few moments later I received a text from Chelsea.

"Party on Saturday... Not this Saturday coming up, the next one. And Bring Harry ;)xx"

I read the message but didn't reply. I put my phone down for a while and laid in my bed. Just thinking... Then I drifted off to sleep...

"Stell... Steeell, wake up." I was awoken to someone calling my name. The only one that called me stell was Harry and his deep, raspy voice gave it away.

"Hmm." I mumbled with my eyes still closed.  


"Hi Hazz."  

"Hazz? And by the way, stell, you should really keep your front door locked." 

"Oh! I probably forgot to lock it. And Yeah, Hazz. You started calling me Stell so I guess I had to give you a nickname." I smiled.  

"Oh I see. I like it. Hazzzz" he laughed.

"So um. We have a party to go to."  

"A party? Who's party?"  

"One of my bestfriend's Chelsea's party. She wants to meet you, I guess."  

"Oh. Aright. That'd be fun." he said.

I did want Chelsea to meet harry, but not like this. Not at a party where everyone just gets drunk. I obviously had never been to a party with Harry so we'll just see how this goes...

Hellooo. I have no idea if you'll like this chapter. it kinda sucks, i know but just wait a while, i promise it'll get better. thanksss. love u byee.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2013 ⏰

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