Chapter 8

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I hate this stupid ass movie. It's just about some dumb chick who falls for a nerd. So unrealistic.

Chres- aww so sweet

Yea yea yea of course he would like it.

Jacob- like the movie Lauri

Me- yea


Messiah- this movie Hella borin

He sooo gets me.

Bahja-- let's play some spin the bottle

Zoe- no truth or dare

Jacob- ok Messiah truth or dare

Messiah- truth

Jacob- do you have a crush on Lauri

Messiah- uuuuh.......yea


Chres- oooooh


Bree- gonna say anything


Zoe- you broke Lauri

My Little Princess (A MESSIAH HARRIS LOVE STORY) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now