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7 years ago:

She sprinted through the moonlit streets, her feet thudding against the pavement. Her breath came in rapid gasps and she felt her legs weakening.

She closed her eyes, forcing herself to continue. She had to get as far away from them as possible. If she was found, she doubted she would survive whatever punishment they chose to give her.

The 8 year-old stopped, catching her breath and looked back. She had run half way across the city from her house. She shuddered as the memories came back.

"What are you sitting around for you little bitch!" her Dad yelled at her. " Get to work, that's the only thing you're good at."

Tears came to the girls eyes and she picked up the scour and began scrubbing the dishes. Blood ran from the cuts across her body but she ignored the pain, focusing on the work her drunken parents made her do. Scrubbing pots was one of the easiest tasks they gave her.

"Hurry up and maybe you might get to eat tonight." her mother yelled across the room. She hadn't eaten in three days and was starving. She was used to it though and had experienced much worse punishments.

Her father had started beating her when she was only four years old. Her mother had mentally abused her long before that. As she slowed down the slightest bit her father punched her from behind. "STOP SLACKING OFF YOU LITTLE SHIT!" he yelled, punching her once more

The girl felt tears come to her eyes and she began to run again. She wanted to be as far away from that hell as possible. She kept running in the darkness until her legs gave way underneath her. Curling up into a ball, the girl cried herself to sleep, wishing that the pain would go away.


A/N thank you for reading. Sorry if it isn't that good, this is my first ever fanfiction.
Next chapter will be better hopefully.

- TheBookThief11

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