Chapter Two: Unexpected Endings

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Archer's POV

We had only been at the party for twenty minutes and Tonio had already had seven shots and a beer. The music was loud and store bought colored lights shined everywhere. I could smell weed somewhere close as I took a sip of the beer I held. Tonio was making his round grinding on some girls that were on the dance floor and high fiving some of his freinds. I rolled my eyes at all the hot mess girls latched onto the guys necks like leeches. I went back into the kitchen were drinks were being made. "Archer?" Some asked and I turned seeing Conner standing behind me hold a red cup. "Hey Conner" I said smiling back. "I wasnt expecting you to be here." He said smiling. "Yeah me neither but my friend wanted me to come so...I came. Sorry about him again earlier in the parking lot. He kinda get that way some times." I said and he gave me another one of those smiles. "It's alright he's just watching out for you." I nodded. "Hey I see your out of beer. Want me to make you a drink?" He asked grabbing a red cup. "Umm I really don't drink like that actually." I said and he smirked. "It's a party Archer live alittle." He said. I had a bad feeling about "living alittle" but I nodded anyway. "Alright just one though." I said. He chuckled and nods mixing drinks together and mixing it. "Here" he said passing g me the cup and I took a sip and made a face. "Its stronger but sweet." I said smiling. "Good right" he said and grabbed my hand pulling me To the dance floor. A song started and he pulled me close and we started swaying. I took another gulp and started feeling the effects and really started grinding to the bass. He pushed against me more and I smirked at him winking. I finish off the drinking mind hazy and Conner starts to kiss my neck as the music changing into another bass heavy song. I smiled and leaned back against him. "Hey" I heard someone yell close and showed Conner. I stumbled back and some girl caught and steadied me. I looked up wonder who I needed to punch and it was Antonio standing over Conner who was starting to get up. What the hell was he doing? He slowly turned to me and his eyes were angry. I wanted to know what the hell his prolblem was but when I tried to form the words my tongue failed me. He eyes widened almost crazed. "Your drunk?!" he shouted at me and snatched the empty cup out of my hand sniffing the cup and making a face turning back to Conner. You were trying to get him you can have your way with him." He said and punched him hard breaking his nose. People gathered around and my hazed mind sobered. I grabbed at Antonio who was wailing on Conner. "Stop!" I yelled at him pulling Antonio off of him. "What the hell is you problem?!" I yelled and shoved him. Antonio's eyes were hazed from all the drinks he'd drank but through the thick fog of intoxication I could see his seriousness. He grabbed me by my arm and yanked me out the back door. I fought hard against him but he only tightened his grip. "Let me go! Your hurting me." I yelled. He stumbled on into the woods that srounded the house and o worried about getting lost. "Where gonna get lost Antonio!" I hiss and he stopped and turned on me. "Shut up! All you've done is talk. Just shut the fuck up!" He screamed at me and push me and I stumbled over a log and hit the ground. I looked up at him and his eye were cold and I feared the look. I started to stand not liking the seclusion of the dark damp woods. "l-look I'm just gonna go back inside ok?" why was my voice shaking? Anotnio pushed me down again and laid onto of me pinning me down. I began to panic. "G-Get off me." I said trying to pull free from his hands. "No I think I know what you need." he said and his lips smashed on mine. He tasted like beer and other things and it maybe my stomach turn. I wanted him to get off me. I didn't like this position or this behavior. when he took both my wrist in one hand and started to work at my pants I knew what he was doing and I bite him to free my mouth to scream. He cursed and backhanded me and I whimpered. He got my pants off and fumbled with his and I started screaming but his hand came down over my mouth and he a lined him self against me and I froze as he start pushing inside. I flinch as his head popped inside and tears weld in my eyes. The pain radiated through out my ass and hips as he started thrusting inside me. I never made a sound after that. My throat was too dry. I flinched again and more tears came. This wasn't happening. I'm not being....

raped by my bestfriends in the woods. No, it's impossible. This is just a terrible dream I'm having and I'll wake up and be ok but I felt the pain and the damp earth under me. I looked into the cold eyes above me through my tears. I was right about one thing. This was not Antonio. This boy looked like my bestfriend but his eyes were cold and empty and held no emotion to what he was doing. After what felt like years came groaning and the warm feeling brushed over me. He stood and zipped up his pants and started deeper into the woods. I knew I couldn't just lay her even though my body ached and so did my heart. I felt a tree and I proped myself against it hoisting myself fixing my clothes the best I could and took a step wincing at the sharp pain. I gritted through it and started away from the house and down the street. I didn't know where I was going. I knew I couldn't go home. My mom would ask questions, questions I didn't have answers to. I walked and walked and when I wasn't walking I was stopping to clear the episode of tears I would burst into. I continued to walk til my feet brought me to a door and I knocked on it. It was late why would someone answer at this hour. I heard the locks turn and the door opens and a pair a blue eyes looks at me and widened. "Allison..." I said softly voice cracked and broken. Allison was my beatfriend apart from Him. She had always been there for me when I needed her and I needed her more than ever. "Oh my God Archer!" She said and pulled me inside the house closing the door. I looked at her and hee eyes began to water. "Archer what happened?" she said in a soft shaking voice. I shook my head not able to say it yet and she hugged my head as I began to fall to my knees. I bawled into her chest hard and out of controlled. Alliance cried softly too not knowing what happened but in seeing my pain. "Please....Please tell me what happened?" she said hugging me tight. So through my tears I told her the whole story and she cried harder than I've ever seen her cry. I cried too and we laid there crying and broken in her livingroom. My mind drowned in my sorrow and I cried myself into the dark nightmares of tonight's events and it's unexpected ending.

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