Chapter Three: Brand New Day With Brand New Problems

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Archer POV

I woke up and had to blink several times. A shaft of bright light from a window nearby had decided to blind me and I groaned softly. My body hurt lightly but my mind and heart were numb. My eyes burned and I knew they were red and puffy from crying. I turned and looked at Allison who was awake staring mindlessly at the ceiling. "You cry in your sleep....were you having a bad dream?" she asked softly and her green orbs landed on me. The question didn't sound like a question at all but I nodded still and stared at the ceiling. Her eyes were hollow and I had only seen that look once before and I began to wonder how much I had hurt her by coming here. Alli nodded too and the house fell quiet again. We laid like this for an hour but it felt much longer. For a second it felt like the whole world had stopped turning and had frozen. After a few more minutes Alli sighed and stood. "I'm going to go make us some coffee ok?" she asked looking at me as I stood too. I nodded and looked at myself. I was still dirty and bloody. "Mind if I use your shower?" I asked her. Alli shook her head. "Of course not help yourself" she said and walked into the kitchen. I walked up stairs still numb and cold and turned on the shower water. I stripped out the muddy blood ridden clothes and stepped Ito the shower. The water was too hot but I felt I needed it. I grabbed the rag and began to scrub, climbs of dirt falling off my body and washing down the drain gritty under my feet. I scrubbed hard at every the dried up blood on my thighs and the bruises on my arms and face til my skin was raw and red. The feeling was coming back pain igniting up. I sighed the feeling heavy as the heartache and pain swallowed me whole. I sank into the base of the shower under the head curling into the fetal position as my salt tears mixed with the beating water. I would I ever face him tomorrow? Well he try to attack me again? I got a feeling of vertigo at the thought and my stomach flipped. I laid on my side cheek touching the cold porcelain. I couldn't face him and with this knowledge a void replaced the pain and a worse feeling than pain came over me. Emptiness. I never had any friends beside Antonio. Who would I talk to? Making new friends wasn't my best option. It was my sophomore year. Everyone was clicked for life and I, the nerd, was hooked to his forever jock. I bit down I my bottom lip fighting back the stinging tears. My forever jock had turned into a monster and I could feel my heart tearing. I was alone now. I could then with that new realization feel a wall behind to form numbing my heart and clouding the memories in my head. This helped pull me off the floor of the tub and cut the water off. I step out onto the cold linoleum and grabbed a towel wrapping it around myself drying myself off. There was a soft knock on the door. "Come in" I said pulling the towel tighter. Alli held out some clothes for me. "There my brothers. They might be a little big but it's the best I could find." She explain. I took them and mumbled a thank you. She closed the door and left me to get dressed. After I was finished I walked down stairs to find her. She was sitting in the rocking chair face scrunched lightly mind deep on a thought I didn't dare ask about. My wall of protection was big and nothing came in or out. I curled up into a ball on the couch holding onto the couch pillow and just stared at floating dust partials feeling sleepy again. My phone ringing interrupted the idea of sleep and I answered it with a gravel-filled "hello?"

"Archer? Where have you been I've been calling you." My moms voice echoed worried over the phone. "Calm down mom I'm fine. I'm at Alli's house."

"You should have called me I've been worried sick."

"I know I'm sorry I should have called. I'm alright"

"Well come home. Everyone worried. Antonio called her twice. Even came over. Said when he woke up you were gone. He looked hungover. At you hung over?"

"Mom!" I said to pull her out of her panicked rant. "I-is he still there?"

"No. He left said he was gonna get your car." She said. My eyes widened. "How did you get to Allison's without your car?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2013 ⏰

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