XI. The Magus's Deal

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Holland was unable to shake Naris's words as the days passed. She could still feel Deus reaching out to her, His presence resonating in her mind like the strains of a song she didn't remember ever hearing. She knew it was because of the changes Saraqael had made to her body so long ago. She could feel it in her bones. Laenus seemed well-rested, so she doubted he was even hearing it. Her own sleep had become oft interrupted and her waking hours were restless. She needed to either find a way to silence Deus or give into Him. The second option was more tempting than she would have liked. The only thing that kept her away was the knowledge that Seva would need her protection if this deal with their customary enemies were to happen.

She lay half-awake in bed, the sheets tangled around her legs. There was no shaking His presence. She could feel it in her bones, in the beat of her heart. I can give you all that you desire, my Ilex, that warm and comforting voice whispered to her. I can grant you the power to ruin Laenus, to win over Seva. All you have to do is let me in...

There was a knock at the door that roused her from her reverie. Holland sat up. "Come in!" she called as she swung her legs over the edge of the bed. She just wore a long shirt that covered her to about mid-thigh, but she wasn't really worried about impropriety. The only person she could imagine trying to find her this late would be Seva.

It was not Seva, however. "Lady Penitent, forgive me," Fionn said, averting his eyes as he stepped in. "I did not realize you were in a state of undress."

Holland pulled the sheets over her lap. "Apologies, Your Majesty," she said. "I wasn't exactly expecting a visitor this late. How can I be of assistance?"

"I was hoping you could intercede on my behalf with my wife," he said. "She is...displeased with me at the moment."

"Dare I ask why?" Holland said, fighting the urge to sigh.

"I forbid her from going on this trip to Laweden," Fionn said with a deep frown. "It is too dangerous."

"She's homesick, Your Majesty," Holland said softly, worried herself now. They needed an agreement with Leus more than Fionn could possibly understand. "It's a great deal to adjust to. I can vouch for her safety on the road, and with a few Hooded Knights, she would be well protected."

"That is no protection from an army. Leus could march at any time," the King said. There was a certain stubborn set to his jaw that Holland recognized. She wore it herself when she felt she had been backed into a corner.

"We would know if that were the case," the penitent said. "There are many scouts in the Elbane Pass."

"You are her advocate, as always," Fionn said a bit wryly. "I suppose you think that I should agree to placate her."

"I think you should agree because you care about her happiness," Holland said. She at least hoped that was the case. "We would not linger in Laweden long. I think Her Majesty just has a few things she wants to collect."

The King sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose between thumb and forefinger. He seemed to realize that this was a battle he was better off conceding. "Very well. But I am holding you responsible for her safety, Lady Penitent. If any harm befalls her, there will be a wrath from me like you cannot imagine."

Holland almost laughed, but she managed to keep her expression neutral. Fionn had nothing on Saraqael, so she wasn't particularly frightened by him. "Understood," she said with an inclination of her head. Part of her wanted to give him the same warning, but he was still King, even if she hated him for tolerating Laenus. "Her Majesty will be safe with me. I will go speak to her and let her know that you have reconsidered."

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