Brown eyes

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When I first saw Jasmine's eyes I fell in love with her and I knew we were meant to be together but her friends didn't think that they thought Sierra was the wrong girl for her Jasmine's like you're wrong Ciara treats me right she's not like the other ones I dated I know I found my true love that is when her friend Camille was like yeah I've been dating for 4 weeks that's when Rachel was like so I still think Ciara's not the one for you Rihanna was like Rachel shut up just because Sarah cheated on you doesn't mean Ciara would do the same thing to Jasmine.Jasmine was like thank you Rihanna for taking for me. Camille was like so you really like Ciara don't you Jasmine yes I do I think she's the one this with Camille and Rihanna was like go for it you two are meant to be together forget about what Rachel said we just want you to be happy and if Ciara makes you happy you two are meant to be that is when Jasmine said that's why you two are my true friends unlike somebody else that is when Rachel was like I'm just looking out for you Jasmine I just don't want you to get hurt like I get hurt. Look Rachel I know that you are trying to help me but Ciara is different she would never hurt me. If you love her that much then go for it. No matter what I'll still be here for you friends forever that is when they all joined into a big hug

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