Chapter 11.

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I couldn't sleep after an hour of my nap. Ryder's large arms were wrapped around my waist, warmth erupting from them. My eyes were sore, and so was my throat and nose.

Every time I tried to close my tired eyes, that note, the knife, my mother's lifeless face, would haunt me. I was exhausted, yet guilt and fear kept me awake.

I was terrified. Whoever this person was obviously wanted me and my mom must've gotten in the way. So who was she talking to on the phone? Perhaps that was the one who wanted to get to me.

Either way, every few seconds I would glance around the room. The window, the door, the bathroom and the closet. Paranoia was getting to me and had me twisting around in fear.

I glanced at the door once more.

"No one is getting in here Zara," I heard Ryder's deep voice sound through the room.

"I know..." I said, squeezing my eyes shut.

"No one will ever hurt you as long as I'm here," he said, and nuzzled his face into my neck.

I said nothing.

"School is tomorrow." I said slowly, changing the topic. He sighed.

"I can actually take you to school instead of you walking and then running like a bat out of hell." Ryder said with a humorous voice in attempts to make me laugh. 

"I suppose you can. But only till I'm back on my feet." I replied.

"What?" Ryder asked, pulling me closer to his chest. I sighed and turned my body so I could face him. My breath caught in my throat as I saw his perfectly chiseled face near mine. His eyes were dark which startled me some. We were much closer than I'd realized.

"Ryder, I can't stay here forever. I have to get a job, get money, get my own apartment." I said, looking down at his chest.

For some reason, leaving him seemed to have hurt me. My heart ached and every inch of my being seemed to have wanted to stay.

Ryder's eyes seemed sad and angry at the same time. "Just stay. Don't think about the future. We'll cross that bridge when we get there." he said, his voice strained.

I sighed, knowing I couldn't win this battle.

"And try to sleep. Ill stay awake angel." Ryder said in my ear. I rolled my eyes at my nickname  As if those words were my release, my eyes drooped and I finally welcomed the sleep.


I awoke three hours later to find it was now 8 pm. I yawned before stretching out my legs and letting out a dinosaur noise. 

A deep chuckle rumbled through the chest pressed behind me. My eyes widened. I totally forgot Ryder was with me. I was glad I had twisted positions and was now at my back to him . . . or rather glued to his buff chest.  If I was facing him, he'd be able to see my incredibly red face, or at least I hoped he wouldn't considering it was dark. Either way, chances are not to be taken around incredibly hot boys like Ryder.

"How long was I out?" I asked, although I already knew the answer. 

"A few hours. How are you feeling?" He asked, his voice somewhat husky, making me shiver. 

"Better. I think," I said, and for once it was somewhat true. The sleep helped my exhaustion, but not my other emotions - guilt and fear. Deep down, I knew that I had some sort of protection when it came to Ryder. We hadn't known each other that long, yet he seemed overbearing of me for some reason.

But I had to ponder, why me? I mean don't get me wrong, I'm a decent looking person and all, but there are a lot of good looking girls with killer bods at our school. Many were smarter than I was, funnier, nicer, yet from what I had witnessed, he had chosen me. 

A small part of me hoped he would forget about us and leave. Another silly side of my brain wanted him to stay. It was like brain vs. heart in my situation.

I wanted Ryder to leave me be sooner so that it wouldn't be as hard to let go of him. The thought of him being with some other girl had me on a rage inside my mind and it also scared me. Why did I feel so . . . possessive over him? It wasn't like me. I didn't really like boys very often,  so what was it with this one that made me feel so indifferent?

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