Chapter 22.

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"Me?" I asked disbelievingly. Tilly nodded, biting her lip.

"Zara, you need to understand that I consider you my friend, but in the end, I fight for my pack," Tilly muttered, before silently walking off, Justin following suit. Watching them dissapear through the crowd made me feel a sense of loneliness.

Was that . . . a warning? What was she trying to tell me that I couldn't figure out on my own? Something was definitely off.

"Blue Falls pack, Moonlight pack! Please gather in the backyard while Alpha Bryan and I prepare a speech for both packs!" Ryder's harsh voice rang out, and I could see he was in business mode. His eyes searched the crowd, which seemed to fill more and more as Moonlight pack began to arrive at Ryder's house. With one last glance, he returned inside the house.

I started to feel antsy in the crowd. Tilly's words rang out through my mind. I decided I'd go and find Em or the twins. Standing here on my own in a crowd full of people shuffling to get through the house and into the backyard made me feel odd.

It's like, I knew I was around people, but . . . it was like one person out of all of them was watching me specifically. I tried my best to lose the strange feeling as I shuffled through the crowd and into Ryder's house. I took a step, but managed to oh so nicely bump into someone.

 The person's blonde head whipped around, only to stare at me blankly. I internally groaned. It was Mitch. What was he doing here? Was he apart of Ryder's pack?  I had assumed as much.

I said nothing as his eyes glared at mine.

"Zara," He regarded as though my name left a bitter taste in his mouth.

"Mitch," I retorted with the same venemous tongue.

"It's good to see you again," He said, raising his eyebrows. Remaining skeptical, I eye him up and down.

"Wish I could say the same," I replied. His dark blue eyes seemed to know something I didn't - reminding me of Tilly and Justin.

Mitch soon leans down, one hand in his pocket, the other reaching for my face. I stay frozen. He leans down, his breath fanning my ear.

"I'll see you later." He finishes with a tiny chuckle, before waltzing away in the opposite way the crowd is shuffling. Soon, I am now the only one left in the front yard. Mitch seemed to have dissapeared just like that! Scanning the area, I realize there is no sign of him. I sigh.

"Hey! Zara, what are you doing out here?" Em called, running down the porch and to my side.

"Uh . . ." I stammer. I turned my head to the disappearing woods, but there's still no sign of Mitch - although I can still feel his presence.

"Nothing," I reply. I decided I wouldn't tell Em for now. We had more important things to worry about.

She quickly grabs my hand, leading us to the through the house, and to the backyard. It seems like there's a thousand people in the backyard, and I really take in how big it is. I follow her as she walks down the steps and sits near the twins on the grass. I take a seat near Theo.

"Glad you could make it," Leo says flatly while his twin laughs at me.

"Shut your face," Em grumbles.

"So, what do you guys think the meeting is about?" Leo asks, quickly changing topics.

"Who knows? If you ask me, my money is on the rogues who attacked Moonlight pack. Maybe we're next," I interjected. I still wasn't ready to tell anyone about what Tilly and Justin told me. Maybe they were mistaken.

Em and the twins stare at me with wide eyes.

"What?" I ask, crossing my arms in defense.

Theo laughs to himself. "Nothing."

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