"When I found him, he was so scared, Liam. So fucking scared. I gave him food, and I let him stay the night. The night turned into days and he started becoming close to me. I bought him clothes and took care of him—"
"That's great but can you tell me why the fuck you're taking advantage of him?" Liam asks. Harry flinches at the words, shifting in his bed, wincing when it hurts.
"I'm not–I'm not taking advantage of him. I love him, Liam. I love him so fucking much. It started when he saw this couple kissing and asked if we could do that. I tried to stay away, I really did, but then I just thought, fuck it. He's my whole world, Liam. If you don't approve, I don't care." Harry states, coughing slightly. His eyes were heavy and he wanted to sleep but he was afraid.
He was afraid that if he closed his eyes, he wouldn't wake up. He didn't want to close his eyes.
"Okay." Liam says. Harry looks at him with a confused expression. He was expecting a fight, a yelling fit. He didn't expect Liam to actually be okay with this.
"Okay. Whatever. I'll just–I'll just have to get used to this." He says. In the next second, Louis walks in, giving them a worried expression.
"Can I come in now?" He asks and Liam nods. The older man leaves the hospital room, leaving the two alone.
Harry lifts his hand weakly, motioning him over. Louis skips over to him, smiling softly. Harry moves his hand to touch the small boys face softly, tracing over his cheekbones, his fluttering eyelids, his lips. Louis hums and leans into the touch,
Harry watches fondly as Louis brings his own hand up and holds onto Harry's, closing his eyes and just lives in the feeling of their skin touching. The older man lets his hand falls and takes in a painful breath.
"I love you, darling." He whispers. Louis beams and nods.
"I love you too." He replies and Harry moves to say something when his chest becomes oddly uncomfortable. He coughs and groans in pain. Louis looks at him with concerned eyes.
"Are you okay?" He asks.
"I'm fine—" he's cut off with a painful jab at his chest. He gasps, clutching at his hospital gown. Louis looks around frantically, eyes filling with tears.
"W–What's wrong? H–Harry? Help! Someone please!" Louis yells and a few nurses run in. A man in a white coat grips his arm and drags him out of the room. Harry wants to tell them to leave him but he can't form any words and he's left blubbering and gasping.
He only gets one last sight of Louis struggling against the man before everything goes black.
Harry stares at the man then at the barrel of the gun, heart racing frantically. The next second he pulls the trigger and pain is exploding in his chest.
He feels on fire, like his body is burning with scorching pain. He can't move, his body fallen slump against the floor. He could see his blood slowly pooling around him. He looks at the open door and tries, with everything he has to crawl out but he can't even feel his feet. He sees his hand reaching out for the door, fingers twitching violently.
There's a copper taste in his mouth and soon he can't breath, his mouth filled with his own blood. He gasps out, spluttering out incoherent words.
He's going to die here. He knows this is the end. The pain is subsiding, body going completely numb until he can't even feel his lips.
He gives up on trying to get out and slumps against the floor. He stares at the ceiling with glass eyes and prays silently that Louis is alright.
He could hear something, someone, moving around outside and he pushes it away, knowing there is no help coming. Before he closes his eyes, he sees a dark figure running into the room.
Harry's eyes open, gasping loudly, hands flying to his chest but finding no open bullet wound. Instead there's gauze and bandages wrapped around him. His head feels heavy and he feels on the verge of vomiting but he calms himself. A doctor walks in.
"I–what happened to me?" Harry asks.
"You went into shock. Your heart stopped for a moment and we had to revive you. How do you feel? Any lightheadedness? Any pain? Shortness of breath?" He asks.
"M–My head? It kinda hurts? I–can't, I feel fine." Harry stammers out. The doctor takes some examinations and moves to leave.
"Oh and there was a hybrid asking to see you."
"Y–Yeah, send him in." Harry says. He doesn't acknowledge the disgusted look on the mans face. Harry rests his head on the bed, sighing loudly. A few minutes pass and Louis runs into the room.
"Harry! Are you okay?" He asks, moving to hug him but Harry stops him. The small boy gives him a confused look.
"Baby, my chest hurts." He explains and Louis nods, pulling up a chair and sitting next to him. Harry looks at him closely admiring him for a moment.
The doctor comes in, looking down at his clipboard. He looks up and sneers when he spots Louis. The small boy whimpers and looks down.
"Everything seems fine now. But we have to keep you here for a few days just to make sure." He says. Harry thanks him.
"Thank you, sir." Louis pipes up.
"I wasn't talking to you. Fucking idiot." The doctor says.
"Hey, don't you dare talk to him like that. If I hear you say something like that to him again, I swear I'll make sure your life is hell." Harry says. The doctors eyes widen comically and he mumbles an apology before leaving quickly.
"Thank you." Louis whispers, looking at Harry through his eyelashes.
"Anything for you, doll." Harry rasps out, clearing his throat quickly. He watches as the small boy blush softly.
"I'll be going home soon and everything will go back to normal." He explains, brushing Louis' hair out of his eyes. The small boy bites his bottom lip softly, trying to think of something to say.
"Home. It's okay if you don't go back. Together we're home."
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devotion ➶ larry
Fanfiction[DISCONTINUED] in which Louis is sixteen year old hybrid with no home and Harry is a twenty seven year old businessman with a lonely home ---- crossdresser!louis underage!louis hybrid!louis beautiful cover by @-hypothetic © Copyright 2015 larryafh...