Lou's outfit on top/side
"In some ways, you're like a daddy to me."
Harry spits out his drink. He coughs and places his glass on the table. He turns to Louis who sat on the countertop.
"W–What?" Harry asks. The small boy shrugs.
"You take care of me. Like a daddy should. Do you want to be my daddy?" Louis asks, eyes full of innocence.
"Doll, I think we have a very different interpretation of what that word means." Harry responds, cleaning the floor where he made a mess.
"What does it mean to you?" Louis asks. He hops off the counter and stands in front of Harry, pulling at the sleeve of the flannel around his waist.
"It means...that I have strong feelings for you and that I would do things that a normal dad wouldn't do." Harry says, almost crying at how horrible it sounded.
"Like kissing me?" Harry nods and places his hands on Louis' waist.
"And many other things." He whispers as he leans down to kiss him softly. Louis whimpers at the feeling and wraps his arms around Harry's neck.
It's been a few hours since Harry told him and the older man has came to conclusion that he wants Louis in his life. He wants him to stay. He loves him and as insignificant those words meant in the past years, he knows what he has with Louis is genuine.
And the feelings are mutual. They've discussed it.
Harry pulls away and leans against the counter. Louis smiles up at him, bright blue eyes staring at him.
"I'm love you." Louis beams. Harry breaks out into a grin.
"I love you too, doll."
"Can we go on that giant wheel thing? Please!" Louis begs, grasping at Harry's shirt.
"The London Eye?" Harry asks. Louis nods enthusiastically. The older man goes to shake his head, continuing to type on his laptop.
"Please, daddy!"
Harry freezes and pushes away from his desk, muttering profanities.
"Come on." He says and Louis squeals, running after him. Harry slips into his jacket and hands Louis a sweater. The small boy takes it and runs out of the flat within two seconds. Harry chuckles and follows after him.
The two clamber into Harry's car and they're off to the blue ring in the dark night sky.
When they reach the London Eye, Louis stares in awe.
There was a crowd of people, waiting to get on and Harry quickly counts the money in his wallet.
He shuffles out of the car and takes Louis' hand, tugging him towards the front of the crowd. A man stops them.
"Sir, you need to get in line."
Harry sighs and pulls out his wallet, handing the man well over a hundred pounds. The man lets them through after not so subtly pocketing the money. Harry thanks him and tugs Louis to one of the small rooms on the Ferris wheel.
Louis can't stop giggling, the entire time. He moves to the side of the room and looks into the river and the city.
The door closes behind them and soon they're moving, going up and up.
Louis can't get himself away from the glass, staring at the way the buildings get smaller and the lights more plentiful. Harry stands next to him, hand on the bottom of his spine.
"It's beautiful." Louis whispers. Harry looks down at the small boy nodding in agreement.
"You're beautiful." Harry says. Louis looks up and pushes his hair out of his eyes.
"I'm not—"
"Don't say you're anything but beautiful, darling. I might have to write a novel on your eyes if you do." Harry says. Louis beams and Harry swears he's the sun. He's beautiful and Harry doesn't deserve him. He doesn't deserve the way he looks at him or the way he kisses him.
But for now, he doesn't give a damn.
He leans down and kisses him, pushing him against the wall and trying to show him how much he cares.
Their tongues move frantically against each other's and Louis whines at the way Harry's hands are everywhere, trying to memorize every inch of him.
Louis jumps up and wraps his legs around Harry's waist, the older boy grasping his bare thighs to hold him up.
They kiss roughly, as if it's the last kiss they'll share and Harry doesn't mind if people will judge him for loving someone so young. He wants to show him off, show everyone how lucky he is.
As they ascend back to the floor, Louis tells Harry how glad he's met him and how amazing he is.
They step off the London Eye, beaming with swollen lips and mused hair but they don't mind.
Harry pulls Louis through the mass of people and into his car, leaning over the console and kissing him again.
"I love kissing you." He whispers. Louis lets out a breathy laugh.
"Then never stop." Harry grins and starts the car, heading back towards the flat.
Louis plays with the radio most of the way there until he unbuckles his seatbelt and turns to the back, to get hell knows what.
"What are you getting—" Harry glances to the side and gets a full view of Louis' bum covered in black lace panties.
"I'm trying to get–my sweater." He says and Harry's hands tighten on the steering wheel. His bum is so pretty and just there and he can't help himself when he reaches over and grips it roughly.
Louis squeaks and jumps back into the seat, breathing heavily.
"I'm sorry—"
"I–It felt–good." Louis stutters, blushing widely. Harry can only smirk, reaching over and resting his hand on his thigh, thumb rubbing the smooth skin softly. The older man can't keep his mind calm, thinking of ways to ruin the boy.
The reach the flat and Louis tumbles out without a word and strides into the flat, leaving Harry to walk in a few minutes behind him.
He walks through the threshold, tossing his keys into a small bowl by the door. He walks into the living room and stops dead in his tracks.
Louis stands there, a man hold him close to his chest with a gun to his head. Harry raises his hands up, heart racing widely.
"Who are you? What do you want?" He asks as he watches Louis silently cry.
"I already have what I want." The man says and before Harry can reply, something hits his head and everything is black.
*cries in Spanish*

devotion ➶ larry
Fanfiction[DISCONTINUED] in which Louis is sixteen year old hybrid with no home and Harry is a twenty seven year old businessman with a lonely home ---- crossdresser!louis underage!louis hybrid!louis beautiful cover by @-hypothetic © Copyright 2015 larryafh...