Anxiety. Angst. Terror. Agitation. Horror. Distress.
These were all emotions that encased the damsel as she lost all feeling from her neck to her toes, she could still see.. unfortunately.. She witnessed everything, it would have been best for her to have been dead than to go through what she did. Utter darkness and unsettledness would have made her feel better than she did then. Being stuck in a cage with no escape would have made her feel more free than she did at that moment.
All thought had slipped, all sanity had been lost and all self love had vanished for this was a moment that would distort and blur the rest of her days. She was fixed like a statue and had no choice but to wait until the heavy breathing slowed, paused or even stopped. Luck was not on the agenda as it took hours for such bitter-sweet fortune to finally find it's way to her. Her fragile structure had been cracked, smashed, broken. As time went by, her stability became more and more like a needle in a haystack- no where to be seen by the unsuspecting, untrained and uncaring eye.
She felt several striking pains like bullets through her skin when her senses decided to return to her. Being numb had seemed like a bad thing when she wasn't feeling the physical pain as well as the emotional. Her soft, curly, brown locks were being dragged and her delicate body was forcefully attached to another's. She had been stalked like a tiger to it's prey and this was the result of it.
Something was taken-
Something was stolen from her-
Something she could never get back.
The body let go of her hair and pulled back, the sound of shuffling behind her filled her ears, she could have turned back and saw the creature's face, testify and get revenge but she was freshly traumatised and her brain could not handle such complex thoughts after the recent experience. The shuffling stopped. An inaudible three word sentence violently stabbed at her eardrums and made them pop. The three word sentence was then followed by another sound, phrase, word, name. The creature stepped away from the fragile figure in front of him as it laid there still and lifeless. It ran into the shadows, the darkness, where the wild things lived.
The creature was the best way to describe it. "The Creature" not worthy of the name or tag of being otherwise so. "The creature" was it's name for no human could perform such a deed.