Chapter 1: "Let's just go back to the way it was"

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Saki Miyu:

  It was a Friday, Valentines Day actually. The day where all the girls would confess to their special or loved ones in fact, behind the cherry blossom tree. To be honest, it was a pretty cliche' myth.  Anyway, this was the day that I Saki Miyu, decided to confess my feelings to the "Oh wonderful Sora Sosuke". Sounds like a great guy right?, or at least I thought he was. 

  It was 3:00 PM afterschool and I got back from Mrs. Karin Hana's class. I honestly hate calling her that, it should be Mrs. Hana but apparently she wants her first name to be known because she thinks she's independent while she's divorced from her husband. 

  I went to my locker and opened the combo 11-06-15 and it made the little cling! noise that I would love because it would always remind me that school's over since I'm always at my locker after school. 

  After I opened it, a stack of textbooks, post its, highlighters, pens, you name it all fell out because I am the most unorganized girl you'll ever meet. I sighed. Guess I'll have to organize my locker....

  Right when I picked up all my textbooks, I noticed a little blue-cyan colored note at the bottom of my locker. It read:

"Dear Saki Miyu,

  Your the most beautiful being I have ever met. I want you to be mine and I hope you want me to be you'res. Please meet me behind the Cherry Blossom Tree right after you read this"

  I dropped my textbooks in laughter. I OBVIOUSLY know who wrote this. I could tell by the chicken fingered-handwriting and the fact that he gets "you're" and "your" mixed up so much. It was my best friend, Sora Sosuke.

  I've already had a suspicious feeling that he had feelings for me and I did too. We knew everything about each other and my best friend Ayano Aishi shipped us so much...... and the rest of the school. But this reminded me about all the others who confessed behind the tree during lunch, or got straight up confessed and gave flowers. Knowing Sora, I know he'll add something extra.

  I finally finished organizing my locker after 15 freaking minutes of time, but hey! it was worth it.... I guess. I went to go walk to the back of the school and passed the beautiful garden area filled with cosmos, lilies, and blue roses I helped planted and then I saw a red faced Oka Ruto in front of a confused Taro Yamada. I face-palmed at the embarrassing site. 

  "Taro....... I-I l-lov-.... I give you this scarf!" Oka said shyly. She handed out right in front of Taro's face, a very demonic looking, dark purple scarf for him to wear.

  Taro still seemed to look puzzled and just stared obliviously at the scarf. "Oh umm, thanks Oka. I'll be sure to wear this when I'm cold I guess"

    Oka tried to regain confidence to speak to him directly. "I-I um thought of you.... a-and I couldn't imagine you being cold so I sewed t-this scarf myself s-so you'd keep warm.." she said awkwardly.

  "Oh how sweet of you!, anyway I gotta go home, my sister will go crazy on me if I don't go home before 3:30" Taro said while he scratched his head.

  Right after that, I could see Taro running off to the front gate while Oka looked down and smiled, it was kind of cute. I shook my to stay focus on what is at task. I have to go meet my "secret admirer" behind the typical cherry blossom tree behind the school.

  It was only a few feet away from the garden and I spotted a familiar cyan haired spike sticking out from behind the tree. I giggled, this is so typical of him. 

  I slowly walked up to the tree and he turned around with an arrogant smile and a scratch on the head. He was holding a bouquet of lilies or should I say lies, (A/N: hehe, you'll see why) he obviously knew that lilies were my favorite flower when we helped out the gardening club members.

  "You look very hot- I-I mean lovely today" he said awkwardly.

   "Dude I'm only wearing my school uniform so there's really nothing special" I blushed and my heart kept beating and beating. I wanted this moment to last forever and I just kept smiling and smiling.

  His face was a shade of pink. A shade of pink that reminds me of all the times where it was just the two of us alone and we would always get in awkward situations since I guessed we were to afraid to confess to each other till now.

  "Anyway, you saw my very authentic note......" he paused but then smiled.

  "Miss Saki Miyu, will you be mine?" Sora knelt down and handed over the beautiful, white, delicate lilies over to me.

  I was so flattered I didn't know what to say. I've had the same feelings for him for a while now. I just stood there smiling.

  "Well then Mister Sora Sosuke, I am yours as of now" I said passionately.

  He dropped the bouquet of flowers and stood up. Our foreheads collided in seconds and kissed passionately. I really thought that he was everything to me......

  If only I knew better.............

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