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Saki Miyu:

  It was lunchtime finally. The police investigation was too much for me to handle really. I can't get over the fact that Oka, the girl I saw talking to Taro a while ago was murdered.... Worse yet.... dismembered. 

  Oka would always be the stereotypical shy, goth, school girl. But to me, I think she really wanted true love. I would always see her try courting Taro, but then she would always back away, until that one day she built up her confidence at the least, to give Taro a homemade scarf. It was cute but it just breaks my heart that she lost her opportunity to confess her feelings to Taro. 

  I texted Ayano to meet me at the rooftop for lunch, even though I wasn't hungry. I was heartbroken myself. Especially for Oka, even though I didn't get to know her, it really triggered me to break off into tears.

  I sat on the bench, near the entrance of the rooftop. I stayed there staring straight onto the floor. I've learned after the past few months of dating Sora that he's not making anything better. He's a selfish douche bag and I'm starting to lose my trust and feelings for him. 

  Suddenly a black figure made it's way and stood in front of me. I decided to ignore whoever it was. I wasn't in the mood to talk to any other upperclassmens. 

  The black figure made it's way to sit on the left side of the bench. "Hey, Are you okay?" a familiar, sincere voice spoke.

  I built up my confidence to speak. I looked up at the guy and it was no one other than Budo Masuta.

  I quickly wiped my tears out of embarrassment and sniffled. "I guess not. I'm just...." I paused. Should I even tell him? 

  I teared up even more. "It just hurts feeling this way... Nothing changed... he doesn't care.."  I said while trying to hold back tears. But my voice got more weary and sad.

  Budo grabbed my chin as I tried looking away. I stared into his dark eyes. They were filled with promise. "Listen, it's going to be fine. You don't have to talk about anything me because I understand that these topics are hard. But it's better if you just let it out okay?" He smiled.

  I suddenly felt a breeze of relief and serenity. The tears stopped. "Bud-d" He cut me off.

  He put his hand on mine. "I wish I could stay longer but I think you're friend over there is waiting to talk to you. I also gotta attend my club. I hope things settle down for you." He left leaving a breeze of his scent behind.

  "Saki!, are you okay? oh my gosh..." She said as she quickly sat down next to me. 

  "You've been crying haven't you?, please tell me what's happened." She begged.

  I could already feel the tears coming back. Oka and Sora.... just why? "It's Oka and Sora.." I replied. 

  Ayano looked at me with a puzzled look. "What d-did they do?" she looked puzzled. 

  Tears started to form and fall down by both my cheeks. I had explained to her everything the had happened between me and Sora, the past few months we've been dating. 

  "After Sora joined the basketball team, he's gotten more cocky or should I say I guess more douche-like." I crossed my arms and looked straight up into the sky. The sky was clear, bright, and hopeful, unlike how I'm feeling.

  Ayano stared at me with careful and steady eyes. "Okay, keep going. You can take your time, I know it's hard."

"I was happy for him and he was really excited because he wanted to fit in with a group of popular people. I already had a suspicion that something bad would happen to him if he did join them. And I was right..... " I sniffled.

"He used to be this kind, sweet, caring guy who had passion for things but then after a few months of being on the basketball team and befriending the popular upperclassmen, he changed drastically. He turned into this popular douche bag who constantly keeps flirting with other girls. His attitude is just the worst and he never contributes in this relationship as much as I do. I always hear rumors about him too and it really bugs that he changed in such a horrid way." I teared up even more and my voice got more weary and hard to understand as I kept talking.

"I have one important question Saki.." She paused and looked at the sky, then looked at me again. "Do you still have feelings for Sora?"

  Her expression was so serious. "I have no idea if I still have feelings for him. It's on and off like a light switch. I care for him but then I get frustrated that he changed."

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2016 ⏰

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