"Bloody Garden"

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  Authors Note: Just to fix up any confusion, the last chapter was only Saki explaining her past with Sora. This chapter right now is the present from her perspective.

Saki Miyu:

  *Ring Ring *

      I woke up at 7:00 AM the usual, on my flower-decorated bed. I was in my green Pokemon pajamas and white bunny slippers. I gazed irritatedly at my pink Hello-Kitty clock as it repeated, "WAKE-UP, WAKE-UP IT'S KITTY TIME!". Stupid thing woke me up.

  "Why must I have to go through such torture" I asked myself and yawned. 

   I stood up relentlessly and stretched my arms out. I looked in the mirror and noticed a zombified Hatsune Miku in the mirror. I stood there, not wanting to leave. I hate school and always will.

  "It looks like I gotta fix myself up" I said to myself.

  Budo Masuta:

  "No... no stop this madness you monster..... STAY AWAY!" I yelled as I awoken from a terrible nightmare.

  I stood up on my bed with my heart beating faster and faster. Then I looked at my clock in relief and realized that it was only 7:07 AM. 

  I sighed, "These nightmares keep on coming and coming, I just don't know why" I frowned.

  I always was awoken by these nightmares, they're always about scary Yandere girls in high school killing people in so many different ways, just to get to their "Senpai"

  What's strange to me is that I was only able to remember the how the upperclassmens die but I don't remember who they were. What's also strange is that I only remember the Yandere being an insane black haired freak and a cyan haired girl in which I felt the presence of safety, compassion, bravery, and confidence. I don't know why, but she seemed awfully familiar.

  What really scares me is if these nightmares actually might come true. I've heard stories and rumors about Yanderes that are "active" in Akademi Highschool and that Yandere runs in the family.... "runs"

  Just thinking about that gave me goosebumps. I shook my head and got out of bed, "I need to go to school"

Saki Miyu:

  *Hour Skip*

  I had just finished getting ready for school. I finished showering, putting on makeup, and clothing. I wore my usual schoolgirl uniform along with my infamous curled twin ponytails. Amazing right?, just kidding. I only changed it this year, from straight-to-curl since people made of me because I looked like Hatsune Miku , I hated that so much.

  Since my parents were on vacation. I packed up my homemade bento, textbooks, binder, and pencil case in my dark blue backpack. At least I wasn't half bad at making sushi but hey!, I was better at it than my mom though.

  I started to think about why my parents left without saying goodbye. I love them and everything but they just left a strange note saying that they were off to America to do some "research" . Whatever that means, I just want them home because I guess it really gets lonely here at home. And what sucks is that I don't have many friends that can actually come and visit me. But what stresses me out is that it sounds so suspicious, I know my parents are the type to lie about something important that I don't know about. I hope they come back soon....

  I frowned and gazed at my dark-blue backpack, then stared off into the door in the living room.

"I don't wanna go to school" I whined to myself.

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