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Save Me Usagi

Chapter Four: Depression

Disclaimer: I don't own Junjou Romantica.

A/N: Here's chapter four. Sorry that it's so short. I promise to make up for it later.


~What does depression feel like? It feels like you're drowning, but you can see everyone around you breathing.~


Depression hurts.

Have you ever been submerged in a tidal wave of your own emotions?

You can feel the dam you built in your head to hold back those emotions breaking.

Slowly drowning within yourself until your mind can't take anymore.

Yep, that's the position I was in.

I don't know how long it had been since that phone call to Usagi. After the call was made they let up on beating me. They started coming to the basement less often. You'd think that was a good thing.

No rapes.

No beatings.

No pain.

No worries right?

 Wrong. It isn't best to be alone when your mind is your worst enemy. Lost in the deafening twisted abyss void of all sanity.

When your stuck thinking thoughts you'd never think if you were still sane. Then after you think you've finally broken you start to feel nothing.

No fear.

No hope.

No shame.

No emotions at all. You're just an empty shell of your former self. Is that what I am now? A useless shell of who the real me was?


I'm not useless. I won't let them win. I'm not going to be consumed by my one fear. They may have broken my body but my spirit is still intact.

We moved to a different location. I didn't know why but I almost didn't pay much mind to it. I had too many other things to think about. I just had one thing on my mind.

Escape so I can be with Usagi.

That goal is my motivation.

And I can promise that it will be achieved.


It had been almost a week since the call. I racked many brains to figure out who it was that took my Misaki. The police had traced the call but came up empty-handed.

They found the phone in an abandoned house which had no trace of the kidnappers or Misaki. There was blood in the basement of a cage that had rusty chains inside.

After running a DNA test on the blood in the cage, it came back matching Misaki's. There was now tie connecting the kidnappers to this place. 

As if hearing that wasn't bad enough they left a note addressed to me.

The note read: "If you're reading this Aki-Chan it means you found our old hideout. Congrats you were so close to finding the gold at the end of the rainbow. That gold, of course, being Misaki. You're so predictable Aki-Chan. That's why I love playing with you. My deal still stands but don't keep me waiting too long. If you do I might get bored with my new toy. Tick tock Aki-Chan. Tick tock."

With the note was a picture of Misaki sleeping. Awful was an understatement to how bad he looked. My blood boiled seeing the tear tracks through the sort on his face. All those scars that littered his once flawless skin.

I racked my brain continuously that day until I couldn't anymore.

What kind of sick twisted bastard would do this to someone so innocent?

I was determined to find out.


So I know what you're thinking. These chapters have become very repetitive. I know I know. I am in the process of wrapping up this section of the story and currently working on its sequel. Till then and thanks for reading. Toddles. ^_^

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