Glimmer Of Hope

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Save Me Usagi

Chapter Six: Glimmer of Hope

Warning(s): Yaoi, mentions of rape and torture. Don't like then I insist that you should not read.

Disclaimer: Sadly I don't own Junjou Romantica


~Hope. If you have it then you have everything.~


I had been sitting around the house making sure to keep my phone in hand. I hoped that there would come a call. I felt my heart ache for the millionth time. I sat down on the couch and ran my hands through my hair. A deep sigh escapes my lips. I'm a complete wreck.

I feel completely useless. There's nothing I can do to help Misaki. He's somewhere hurting, and I can't help soothe his pain.

Takahiro was here a few hours ago. He'd finally snapped. He was yelling such harsh words that I never thought he'd say. He holds me accountable for Misaki's disappearance.

Could I really blame him though?

Someone from my messed up past has come back to haunt me. They're toying with me by destroying the one person I live for. The love of my life is being tormented, and I can't do anything to help him. The bastard that has him will suffer for this.


My mind thought up every worse case scenario. I know that they've been beating him. And that they...

My stomach dropped as I remembered that video. Why? Why didn't they just take me instead? Why was the light of my life torn away from me?

I was brought from my thought when I heard my cell phone ring. I've never answered a phone so fast in my life.

"Hello?" I listened closely to the heavy breathing from the other end of the line. I was about to speak again but I was cut off by a whispered voice.

"Hello? Is this Akihiko?" The voice sounded frantic. I could tell that something was going on. But what?

"Yes, this is. Who is this? Why are you whispering? What's going on?" I ask questions as calmly as I could. I heard shouting on the other end of the line.

"Idiot! How did you let them get away?!"

There was a lot of shuffling. Was someone running? What the hell is going on? I heard a very weak whisper.

"U-sa....U-Usagi..." My heart jumped in in my chest.

"Misaki is that you?" I felt my heartbeat quicken. There were more muffled yells. I could make out a few voices.

"You two go check the block. You check the rest of the house and make sure that they aren't hiding anywhere." I heard heavy footsteps and a door slam. For a moment there was an uncomfortable silence.

What happened?

The caller spoke again. I heard him making shh-ing sounds to Misaki.

"Akihiko? Are you still there?" I could sense the panic in his voice.

"Yes, I'm still here. Who is this and where are you?" I pried for answers. I grew impatient when none came. There were footsteps again but they slowly faded away.

"There isn't much time. My name is Alex. I'm with Takahashi or Misaki I mean. I'm trying to help him escape. My brother is the one who kidnapped him. His name is Damien. I'm sure that you remember him." I did my best to process all that he was saying.


Memories flooded back suddenly. One of my crazy ex's had kidnapped Misaki, and now that ex's brother is trying to help him.

"Hello? Hello? Akihiko now isn't the time to be spacing out. I need you to focus now...for Misaki's sake. Please..I'm not sure how much longer we can stay hidden." I gathered my scrambled thoughts.

"Tell me what I need to do." I could hear more shuffling. Misaki's whimpering reached my ears. Alex spoke again sounding out of breath.

"Hold on a second. Shh...Misaki calm down. They'll hear us."

There were more loud noises. I feared deeply for Misaki's safety. How did I know that this Alex guy is who he says he is? I didn't have much of a choice but to listen to him.

The loud noises stopped once more and I waited for Alex to speak again. I heard his soft voice whispering.

"Okay, I think they're gone. Akihiko this is what I need you to do. Call the police and have them trace this call. Hurry. We don't have too much time left. They'll find us soon." 

He didn't need to tell me twice. I quickly ran to the house phone and called the police explaining the entire situation. The 911 call ended after I'd given them every detail.

"Alright what do I do now?" At this point, I had left my apartment and had begun to run down the stairs to the parking garage. I hopped in my car out of breath and in a full sweat. My mind raced with thoughts of Misaki.

Misaki, just hold on a little bit longer. 

I'm coming for you.

"Just meet the policeman and follow them here. I'll make sure Misaki stays safe. Tell them to send an ambulance. He's hurt really bad."

"Alright." I started my car pulling out of the parking garage with a shriek from the wheels. I drove like a maniac to the police station. I saw the officer that had been helping with Misaki's case. He saw me when he got in his cruiser. We nodded at one another then he flicked his lights on and speed through the streets with me and a few other police cruisers behind him.

I could feel my adrenaline pumping.

Don't worry about a thing Misaki.

I'm coming for you.

I'll end this.

Alex (earlier that day)


That's the only emotion I could muster towards these monsters that call themselves men. They are the lowest form of human beings. If I had known my brother's intentions I would have never taken part. I can't stand seeing someone so delicate..go through something so traumatic.

I can't even forgive myself for what I've done.

I doubt Misaki would forgive me.

I'm pathetic....

Ever since I got into this mess I've been looking for a way out. I've been looking for chances to help this kid escape, and the time had finally come. I was gonna get him out of here if it's the last thing I do.

I won't let this flower die in this hell hole.

Not on my watch.'ll be safe again.

I promise.

All I can say is sorry for my long leave of absence. I should've left an author's note before my disappearance but I'm back again. I'll make sure to update again soon. Til then toodles. :)

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