Chapter 14

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A week had quickly gone past. I had my boxing match which I won and Louis and the lads came to watch. Then I had the magazines and E! News talk about my new tattoos. I still haven't told Louis everything, I just can't do it. I've tried countless times during the week. When we were waking somewhere, when we were eating ice cream, watching TV. I even tried to text him but I just couldn't press that send button and every time I thought I found the courage to call him up and tell him, I always started rambling on about something else.

Let's just say that I'm really good at avoiding really important things, which at the moment is a very bad trait to have. Half the school day had gone past and it was finally the last two periods of school. Lessons are PE and History. As I made my way towards PE with Louis, holding my hand, my head was going into over drive.

How am I going to change without anyone noticing the tattoos? I could go change in the showers? But then everyone will think I'm strange for not just changing in front of the boys. Ok, ok so I'll just keep my back to everyone and I should be fine. I nodded to myself for reassurance as I started to listen to what Louis was saying once again.

We finally entered the changing rooms and already lads were starting to undress as they ran around in just their boxers, slapping each other's bums and showing off their so called muscle. I sighed as I kept my back turned to everyone. I took my trousers off and my sweater vest and started to un-button my shirt and I let it slowly slip off my body.

"Hey Marcel?" Someone called.

At that moment I did the most stupid thing even. I Marcel Harry Styles for a split second forgot about my two tattoos and turned around only for all the boys in the changing room to gasp and stare at my chest. I looked at everyone and then looked down, as my eyes widened, once I realized what just happened.

"You have the same tattoos as Harry?" Louis asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Uh, I do?" I gasped but nobody was buying it.

"How can that be though?" Louis mumbled as his slender fingers gently trailed over the wing of the bird.

"It's just a coincidence, obviously." I said, crossing my fingers behind my back.

"It can't be a coincidence that you have the exact same birds tattooed on your collar bones!" Louis pushed.

I sighed as I tried to think of a way out of it but the minute I thought of my answer, Louis had already caught up. He looked at me wide eyes, as he took a few good steps back from me, shaking his head, not believing it.

"Louis listen!" I tried.

"No, no, no, no, no, no!" He kept mumbling as he turned around and ran out of the changing rooms, shirtless.

I groaned as I hit my head on the locker and felt a warm hand touch my shoulder. I turned around to see Zayn, Liam and Niall.

"I told you to tell him before he found out himself."

"Shut up Zayn." I growled.

"Hey, go talk to him Marcel. Explain to him everything and I mean everything and make sure to apologize. If Louis really cares about you the way we think he does, he will forgive you. It might take him a few days but he will." Liam smiled and I nodded.

I didn't even bother getting dressed as I grabbed my phone and ran out of the changing rooms in search of Louis. I looked around the whole school only not to find him. I decided to drive to gym and have a look, maybe he needed to blow off some steam or some such. Nothing. I then went to the coffee shop and the ice cream parlour, to see he was not there either. Then I walked over to the pier that I threw him off but once again he wasn't there. There's only one more place I can think of, please God, let him be there.

I arrived to the park and started walking towards the bench we sat at that day he asked me to meet him here. That's when I saw him, sitting on the exact bench we sat at, in the exact same spot. This time though instead of a gorgeous smile, he was wearing a frown and was staring down at his hands as he seemed to mutter things to himself.

I took a deep breath and walked over to him and sat down next to him. He didn't look up or said anything. I sighed as I glanced at him.


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