What Is It?

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Katasumi Ichigawa's P.O.V

*Yawn* "Good morning world!" I said and I jumped out of bed and strolled down to my desk and put on my necklaces, "Mom, what day is it" I yelled across the house, when I herd a faint "Monday" from my mom Maemi Ichigawa. "WHAT I need to HURRY!". So I ran to the bathroom and used it of coerce and bolted myself to my dresser and quickly got dressed, brushed my hair and teeth then dashed downstairs. 

Katasumi: "Good morning mom" I said sleepy

Maemi (mom): "Good morning, you know school starts in 17 min." mom said in a worried voice

Katasumi: "I know I am trying to hurry, so please just help me make toast" I said in a sort-of frustrating voice 

Maemi (mom); "Okay just don't give me attitude" mom said

Katasumi: "Okay okay....bye mom love ya" I said 

Maemi (mom): "Don't forget to get home early" mom wailed

*Foot steps* I then ran as fast as I can down to the docks to meet my friend Phoebe Dellason (she's American so she has a American name) for school

Katasumi: "lets go were going to be late!" I silly screamed

Phoebe: "Okay" she said calmly 

-----TIME SKIP----to when their at school.

*Pant pant* We made it 2 min. late to class, we were panting like crazy! well at least we made it.

Teacher: "Can you explain why you two are late again....its the second week in a row, this is getting old"

Katasumi: "Your getting old" I mumbled sarcastically 

Teacher: "What did you say to me" she said grumpily 

Katasumi: "Hmm NOTHING!"  I yelped 

Teacher: "Phoebe, what do you have to say about this" she said 

Phoebe: "W-well....um...I-I..err.....I don't know?" she said confused

Teacher: "DETENTION!" she said proudly but in a mean way

We both then walked down the ails of rows of students in shame that we didn't make it on time to class. We sat down and I said in a whisperer\annoyed voice.

Katasumi: "Well that was embarrassing"

Phoebe: "Tell me about it" she whisper groaned 

---TIME SKIP--- after school

Phoebe: " YAY! Detention is over....finally" she said

Phoebe: "Dang school was hard today, usually its a breeze. But today it was hard as a rock!" 

Phoebe: "At least we don't have homework, which is good"

Katasumi: "Ya I agree" I said

Katasumi: I then said quickly "Hey, I need to go my mom wants me to come home through the short cut. I need help my mom with dinner. Bye!" 

Phoebe: "Bye!" she called over from where she was standing 

As I crossed across the road to my moms front yard I ran passed a black book, it said something like "Something Note" or "Dead Note" something like that. So I stopped a went back a few steps, "What is this?" I thought "Maybe its a diary or a regular note book, it doesn't have a name" I said aloud. I drooped it in my back-pack then continued to cross.

Katasumi: "Mom, I am home" I called

Maemi (mom): Soon after she said "I am in the kitchen sweetie"

Katasumi: "please don't call me "sweetie" I said annoyed

Maemi (mom): "Do you have homework?"

Katasumi: "No- I mean ya" I lied  

Maemi (mom): She then said "Okay can ya please go to it then try to hurry so you have time to help me with dinner!" she ended yelling

I jumped up the stairs skipping a step, opened my door to see my cat "Babe" on my bed. I then plopped down in my seat and took out the note book from my back-pack, I then read the title aloud "Death Note" "Huh what is it?" I thought. Then a weird creature of some sort came flouting through my window.


Kotetsu: "Hi I am Kotetsu you should know who I am" he answered

Katasumi: "A-actually I don't know who you are so... can you please leave my room" I stampeded nervously 

Kotetsu: " I am here because of your Death Note. I will not leave unless you die or forfeit your Death Note" he then said

Kotetsu: "And I dropped this death note in your world because you humans are way more interesting with more then one death note in your world" he said with a slightly evil grin

Katasumi: " so your saying you dropped the note book into our world so things can be more interesting with the humans?" I assumed

Kotetsu: " yes that is correct" he answered

At that moment I knew my life would never be the same.

Word count 771

Hope you enjoyed my first chapter!

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