✶Trickling Tears✶

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Tears. They trickled their way down my face until they finally reached the end of the road. In a way, these tears and I weren't so different after all. We both just wanted to be set free, to run wild, and to never ever be stopped.

    Silently the pain rolled out from my eyes and trickled down my cheek, kissing the very pores that I had grown to despise so deeply. Why is it that everytime I look in the mirror all I see is a dead corpse who is somehow struggling to find something that's worth holding onto? Why is it that I am such a good, kind, and deeply compassionate person but no one ever seems to care about my well being? Is it so much to ask to be loved? To ask for a stranger to say hi? To even have one soul to call friend?

    Perhaps it was me. Of course it was, it had to be. There just had to be some abnormal quality about myself that made others shy away. Perhaps I was too anti-social or maybe it was the fact that I didn't like caking on makeup like other girls my age do. Wherever I went wrong, I couldn't pinpoint.

    If anything counts I wish it would be the qualities of compassion and heart. I do love humanity and wish the best for it, I really do. However, in order to love something you have to be a part of it first, and I was the one who always sat alone watching from the sidelines.

    Wiping my tears away, I splashed water all over my flushed face. Plastering the fakest smile on my face, I repeatedly practiced looking happy. Happiness was a beautiful facade when you knew you were cracking, breaking, and crumbling beneath the surface.

    Throwing my backpack over my arm, my feet somehow managed to move beneath me. Taking my usual seat at the back of the classroom, a heavy sigh escaped my lips. A lump formed in my throat as I held back my tears, waiting for the lecture to begin. Fate seemed to be on my side as the teacher called our attention to the front of the room. Beside him stood a boy so mesmerising, I nearly drowned within his gaze. Hoping he wouldn't notice me, I averted my attention to a notebook and began nervously doodling in it.

    "Class, we have a new student today who just transferred here. Please give Peter a warm welcome."

    The boys looked perplexed and the girls all gawked and batted their eyelashes at him. Sure, he was pretty good looking but guys like him were always trouble.

At the sound of his name, a smile cracked across my face. Peter? Really? Like Peter Parker? Maybe the boy was Spiderman undercover and would somehow sweep me off my feet and help me escape this dreadful town. A girl could only wish.

As I looked up, my thought process was interrupted as he walked down the aisle and took the seat beside me.

© Lightning_Stryker 2016

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