pringle x hellbent

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Requested by lovelyfoxy

"So is it a deal bent?" Dolan asked while holding you'd his hand. " You bet" hellbent said shaking dolan confirming their deal. "What is your deal" pringle asked "That you and hellbent can't play bloody Mary and not die" dolan said "What! Oh hell no! I don't mess with the supernatural!" Pringle exclaimed "Pringle if we make it through that we both get 20 bucks each" hellbent said nonchalantly "So are you up to the challenge?" Dolan asked "Okay fine but if I die I will never forgive you." Pringle said a little annoyed "Alright, no go and play the game already!" Dolan shouted and started pushing them in the bathroom "Come out after your done" dolan said and shut the door 'Okay you can do this hellbent' hellbent whispered to himself "Oh yeah you have to turn of the light too!" Dolan yelled through the door "That's just great" pringle said "Pringle before we do this and probably get scared shit scared out of us or die, I just was to say that I've always had a little crush on you." Hellbent said with a worried expression "What really?!" Pringle said with a surprised tone "Yeah, just thought you'd like to know. Even though you probably don-" hellbent was cut off by a pair of lips on his. 'he is kissing me holy hell!' Hellbent thought they broke away for air " So I guess we have to do the game now huh?" Hellbent asked "Yep, bet at least I get to spend my last moments with you" pringle said "That's so cheesy but I feel the same way." Hellbent said with sincerity. They grasped each others hand and started chanting bloody Mary. "Bloody Mary, bloody Mary, bloody Mary" Nothing happens for a minute till they hear "WHAT DO YOU WHAT!!" Said a voice coming through the mirror "Umm...are you bloody Mary?" Hellbent asked quite confused. Suddenly a woman wearing a business suit that looked like it came from the side of the road. Appeared poking her head the the mirror. "Oh, yes I am. She said "so what can I do for you?" She asked politely "umm...What!!" They both said in unison she noticed that they were still holding hands "Oh are you two together? That would be so cute!" She said. They both looked at each other try to find an answer "Um... yeah we are" pringle said "That's so adorable!!" She shouted "So what did you call me for I'm a very busy ghost." She said "Actually we were doing this for money..." hellbent said nervously "Oh... that's quite okay I get summed so many times a day it's become my job to scare people." She said happily "you two love birds have a good night" She said as she disappeared back into them mirror. "Bent we did it!" Pringle said with excitement present in his voice "yeah! That we both get 20 dollars each!" Hellbent yelled and kissed him on the cheek. Pringle started blushing "Come on let's get out of here and get out money." Hellbent said said while opening the door. They go into the kitchen to find dolan, he was there arguing with D.M.B about something. Dolan looks over at them "Oh hey you guys didn't die, you reward is in the living room by the way." Dolan said and went back to arguing with his brother again. Hellbent and pringle head towards the room that held their prize. When they get there they were shocked. "Umm... Why is the room full of deer?" Pringle asked confused "When dolan made the deal he never said dollars he only said bucks..." hellbent said recalling his conversation with dolan. "And that's what he gave us..."

I wrote over 600 words are you proud of me? Also on a side note all the request I got all had hellbent shipped with someone. I'm not complaining or anything it's just that it's kind of weird. Feel free to request of you want to!

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