Kuoh academy

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"Cmon get up you lazy shit! Don't make me cut you!"

Y/n:"ugh I'm so sick of this stupid alarm!"😭

"Cmon now your gonna be late, and if your late I'll have to punish yo-"

Y/n:" let me stop you there....... *sigh* ok, let's see if this  kuoh academy will make me stop feeling so sorry for myself."

I had a shower, got dressed, ate and left


I'm standing out the front of this school that was recently changed to co-ed so I'm doubting there will be many males there but if there is I'm assuming their perverts

As I walked through the gates I noticed a huge crowd, well it wasn't hard to miss,as much as I wanted to see what all the fuss was about I decided to just walk past but as I did caught several death glares from some of the males when one of them cursed me


I just kept walking when

"Kyaaa look at the new guy he's so handsome and dreamy eeeek"

When I heard this I froze up and slowly turned around to see all the girls behind me yapping on

Y/n:"uuuuuuuh h-hi?"I said with a nervous smile😅

The second I said that I heard them all scream

"Kyaaaaa!!! He's even got an amazing smile"

"His voice alone is amazing"

"Please be my boyfriend"

Y/n:"uuuuuuuuh thank you for your complements? And I'm sorry but I'm not looking for a relationship right now."😅

I heard many of the girls cry out in disappointment

I quickly hurried off before I was drowned with questions

I was laying under a tree and luckily none of the girls followed me here

Y/n:"*sigh* could be worse I guess?". I lay there like that for a while until the bell goes and I head to my class


"Good morning class,now I assume you all know we have a new student coming so please try and make them feel welcome."

I then proceeded in

Y/n:"hello everyone my name is [y/n] [l/n] and I hope we can get along". I put on a fake smile and it must've work because I saw a few of the girls blushing but I really couldn't care less

"[y/n] you can take the empty seat next to the window behind issei"

I walked over to my seat and sat down and just stared out the window


The final bell had rung and I was walking towards the gates to leave when I heard screams I quickly rushed to the screams to find two beautiful girls being pushed towards the wall because of the guys walking toward them boxing them in

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