Final chapter(19):The miracle

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  Its nine months into the pregnancy."This really HURTS!"Sweetie Belle yelled as she was being on the hospital bed,"Don't worry Sweetie Belle,I'll be right by your side when it happens,I got permission to enter the room.You'll be fine,I promise."Button Mash said as he tried to comfort Sweetie Belle as she was crying.After a minute or two,two nurse ponies entered the room and said "Ms.Mash?The surgeon room is ready,you may proceed when you are ready",Al..right,AHH,I'm ready.But...ton,please stay with me"Sweetie Belle said while crying."I'm not gonna leave you side,remember,I love you and it'll stay that way"Button said and both of them smiled,the nurse ponie came and helped Button pushed the bed to the surgery room.after a minute,they arrived and the doctor pony was already in the room."Hello,Ms.mash,I am your doctor,don't worry,I'm specialised in surgery.He gave Sweetie Belle a tiny amount of aenesthetic just enough for Sweetie Belle to feel only a small amount of pain but still have conscious."Now just push,OK Ms.Mash?","Alright"Sweetie Belle said as she tried to stop crying.Sweetie Belle pushed as hard as she can while Button was there motivating her"C'mon honey,just keep pushing,I know you can do it".About half an hour of intensity,the whole thing is over,one of the nurse was holding the baby while another was getting some blankets for the little foal.there was blood everywhere,from the bed to the floor.The doctor immediately gave Sweetie Belle some medicine to stop the bleeding he cut the cord."Its over now honey,its over now"Button said as he comforted Sweetie Belle and kissed her and she was rushed to anther room where the surgey is done.After five minutes or so,one of the nurse pony came in with a big smile on her face,"Congratulations Ms.Mash,you have given birth to a healthy young filly",Both Button Mash and Sweetie Belle were overjoyed since they didn't if it will be a mare or colt.The little filly was just sleeping peacefully when the new parents saw her then she woke up.The nurse hoofed over the little filly to Sweetie Belle gently and left the room."Isn't she beautiful,Button?"Sweetie Belle asked and Button answered "She sure is,but not as pretty as her mom though,We're parents now Sweetie" Button said while he was wiping a tear off his face,"Now the last question,what should we name her?",Sweetie Belle said"I know the perfect name,Krystal Mash,Since she is as white as snow and her pink eyes are like giants diamonds"."Okay,welcome to the Mash family,Krystal"Button Mash said.The little filly,unaware of what happened,yawned and went back to sleep into Sweetie Belle's hooves.

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