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I was in a daze, my eyes fluttering open. I tried to wake up from my morning trance, throwing my alarm clock until it reached the end of the room. Looks like I went back to my first day of senior year.

Down the stairs I saw my mother, father, and my younger brother. I remembered it was a normal morning, with the normal breakfast and the normal greetings.

Then we had homeroom. In my class, I got one of the finest seat in the whole room. Seated next to the window and second last to the back, I had gotten myself a pretty nice spot.

"Grey! You've got any snacks?" Toby asked as he plopped down on the seat in front of me, it looked like he just got out from morning soccer practice.

It was a routine for him to have practice every morning, even though he also go to his club after school. The brown haired guy annoys me every time he asked for my breakfast so I usually brought him a protein bar.

He grinned in delight and said, "Trea's paying for this week."

As soon as he opened the package, Trea went in and plopped down on his seat behind me. He looks tired since he also finished a morning run for the karate club. I offered him my hand, to actually ask for the money he and his brother owed me. It looks like he forgot, "Damn! Was it my turn now?"

He handed me the money and went to eat his share. As always, Josh Thomson, our homeroom teacher, entered and announced something pretty important but I had no recollection of it. Trea nudged my seat and whispered, "Pay attention, dude. Look!"

As my eyes fixed to the person in front, I heard a door open. A girl with her curves beneath her sweater, short brown hair, and a face like an angel.

"My name is Ellie Bourbon, it is nice to meet you all."

There it was. That. That was the first thing I remembered about her; her French accent. Even her clothes screams Parisian. But the thing was, all I cared about was how much longer does it took for the next bell to ring.

Homeroom finished earlier than expected, Josh hoping that we could help the new kid settle down. Everybody went to her, I almost felt pity because she looked like a prey. I stayed on my chair, wondering how much longer does it need to erase all oxygen around her with that many people.

"Hey, Grey." Toby snapped his finger in front of me, "You want to greet her?"

I shook my head, "No thanks, the poor girl would probably suffocate in a matter of minutes." To this, the twins laughed, but they stood up and went to her.

"Agree, I kind of feel sorry for her." Toby rubbed the back of his neck, Trea who already went first to the crowd laughed, "Chill guys, there's no need to scare the girl first thing in the morning! Let her have her freedom!"

As expected from the two most popular guys in school, the crowd slowly diminished. But surely, leaving a gap for me to see the French girl.

Then the bell rang, and my day went on smoothly. I noticed that I only had calculus and art with her for today, not that I cared.

The next morning went normal, I actually got myself a protein bar along with the twins. I closed my locker to get to homeroom but a certain burgundy haired girl stopped me, her name was Andrea.

"Morning Grey, how was holiday? Did you miss me?" She asked as she laced her hand to mine. I brushed her off, walking away as promptly as possible. But she followed.

"You know I had an amazing holiday to Hawaii, but I didn't have that much fun because I missed you so much, Grey." She said, persistently hooping her arms on mine. I stayed silent.

"Hey, Grey. Can we meet later? After school?" She actually sounded serious, "Come on, Grey. I really missed you, Grey."

That ticked me off.

I stopped at the door, and looked her firmly in the eyes, "I have no time for you, even after school, Andrea. Unlike you I actually have things to do,"

"Then before school?"

I snapped.

"Have a nice day."

And I left her and walk straight to my chair. Looks like some of the other students in class, including the twins, saw the scene. The latter asked me what went wrong with her. Trea actually said she was kind of pretty.

Well, he's not wrong. But not actually right either. Sure Andrea was one of the pretty girls, and probably popular ones in school, but something about her I'm just not used to.

"Well, that was Andrea. What are you going to do about Becky, Lily, Fay, Olive, Alexandra, and who knows how many other girls have gotten attached to you!" Toby explained.

"Yeah, Grey. People may say we're the popular ones because we're twins, but you're actually on top of the rankings." Trea said as he munched down his protein bar.

At that I wonder. I was not an athlete like both of them, and I was probably not the hottest guy in school. I was not as polite as Toby and was not as wild as Trea.

Sure, I may have some facial qualities and a balanced figure, but aren't those normal? I was sarcastic and was actually rude to the people I don't like. I was not a delinquent nor was I a nerdy guy.

I was just that glasses guy from the Astronomy Club.

"I am just that glasses guy from the Astronomy Club." I repeated.

I looked outside to the field, hoping to get a peace of mind. "I'm just me."

I noticed Toby and Trea looking at each other, one gave out a sigh and the other gave a smile. "Yeah, of course you are. You're also a girls' magnet, some girls like their guys smart and hot." Toby said.

"Where did your confidence go, man? I'm no match for your brains but I will definitely win in brawls against you!" Trea head locked me and we got a laugh out of that.

We brushed off the subject and divert to another. Geography was next and I finally got my alone time. Somehow my mind wanders back on the previous subject.

I was weak with attachments, and those are the things most girls desire. I was actually nice to girls, the problem was when I knew that they go to me for love requirements. So I tend to get awful and snarky to them it actually became a bad habit. Moreover, I was terribly irritated by dominant girls.

I knew they got good intentions, but I was just never ready for it in the beginning.


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