Catching up

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Sarah's Point Of View:

Carrey and I are sitting on our beds waiting for Miles. It's about to be two o'clock, and I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. I don't know why though. I've been talking to him ever since he left. It's the same person. It can't be that bad. I mean, Miles is my best friend. Nothing could go wrong.

A knock at the door alarms us. I get up and open the door.

"Miles!" I chirp, I pull him into a hug.

"'Ello there, Jane." Miles chuckles, we pull apart, Carrey walks up behind me. "'Ello Carrey."

"Hi Miles." Carrey shyly greets

"Well, we're burning daylight! Lets get going!" Miles exclaims, he turns around and heads out the door.


"L.A is so beautiful!" Carrey exhales, looking around as the car flies by.

"Yeah, it's pretty cool." Miles shrugs

"Can we go to the pier? I heard it's super cool." I ask

"Sure, why not?" Miles smiles, he turns left, heading for the pier.

"So have you been working on anything else lately, Miles?" Carrey asks

"Kind of. But lets not focus on that. I just wanna have fun." Miles vaguely answers

"Oh...alright." Carrey sits back in her chair.

"You're always so busy...I'm surprised you had time to do this." I comment

"I'll always have time for you, Jane." Miles smiles, "You're my best friend; I'd do anything for you."

"I appreciate it, Kane. Same goes to you." I reply

"So how come you have time but Alex doesn't?" Carrey suddenly asks, Miles and I tense.

"Well, you see, Alex has been...a lot more successful than I have. He loves what he does, so he spends a lot of time in studio, trying to come up with new stuff for the fans." Miles explains, but somehow I know that's not the real reason.

"I understand, I guess." Carrey sighs

"Hey, look!" I blurt out, "There's the pier!" Miles quickly parks the car. We get out and walk over to the crowd of people.


The pier was a lot of fun. We walked around and played a few games. That was it really. Miles took Carrey to our dorm room, but I stayed with him in the car. There was so much I wanted to talk about with him. So much I needed to hear. So Miles and I drove to the beach. It was late night so it wasn't crowded. We just walk along the shoreline.

"I know you want to ask." Miles sighs

"Then answer me." I reply

"You know, it wasn't always like this. The first months were hard on both of us. Alex took it the worst, I think. He was so depressed, so vacant of life. He didn't want to work on anything. He just wanted to talk to you. It's all he really did. He constantly checked his phone, waiting for a message from you. Thinking back, I think the only time he was happy was when you two were talking." Miles explains

"Yeah, well, that was the past." I sigh

"You don't even know the whole story." Miles points out

"Why do I want to know it? So I can pity him?" I sarcastically ask

"That's not what I'm saying—"

"Then what are you saying, Miles? Are you saying he cared? Are you saying that I'm not wasting my time? Are you saying he just happened to date other people? Miles, I'm not stupid. You of all people should know that." I hiss

"You don't understand...Alex...Alex was in a lot of pain, you know. He didn't want to move on. Everyday he thought about leaving to go see you, everyday he would skip practice to talk to you, everyday he would write songs about you. Every second he was thinking about you. In everything he did, in everything he wrote, there was always a touch of you in it. He always beat himself up about leaving you. He even wanted to surprise you with a trip over here. But Arctic Monkeys wasn't a popular band at the time. We didn't have a lot of money, and you should know that. And then Alex had a tough decision to make. The label wanted him to pick up his act and start making music. Alex knew that if he kept moping around about you he would never get anything done. So Alex thought the best way to get over you was by giving you up. Letting you move on. I promise he had the best intensions. He didn't want you to wait for him if even he couldn't fix his act. He wanted to become someone you're proud of. He wanted you to look at him and think, 'that great man right there is the love of my life.' So he made it his mission to create music, to become someone. And he became happy. For the first time since we left, Alex was happy. He was doing what he loved for the girl he loved. Now, I can't tell you why he dated those other girls, but I can tell you this: Alex Turner loved you, Sarah Jane. He loved you more than anything. And I know that deep down...he still loves you."

"He wasn't the only one hurting, Miles!" I hiss, I then pause and collect myself. "I don't expect you to understand. You weren't there. I don't blame either of you. You two chased after your dreams, and I can't get in the way of it. I won't get in the way. But you have to understand...he wasn't the only one in pain. Everyday I woke up with him on my mind. Even after he stopped talking to me. I would wake up hoping that he messaged me. And even with a broken heart I still chased after him. I still thought about him. I thought about all our memories. And when I turned on the radio, and heard Arctic Monkeys play I started to cry. And when I finally got the courage to make new friends I couldn't. I couldn't do it. It took me over a year to consider Carrey my friend. A year, Miles. I couldn't even look or think about another man as I did Alex. No one could even compare to him. And apparently, he found someone to replace me. And the sad thing is...I'm still in love with him."

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