First love

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Sarah's Point Of View:

"Be my girl."

The words rung in my ear for a couple of seconds. I'm sure I had a blank look on my face. I didn't know what to do.

"'Be my girl'...what do you mean?" I dumbly ask

"I mean...I like you. I've liked you for a while now. Sure, we've only been friends for a couple of months, but you grew on me. A lot. I don't exactly know when I started liking you but I did. I liked your smile, your beautiful eyes, your brown hair that seems to change colors, I liked your sense of humor, and you've always been there for me." Alex chuckles, "I probably sound like an idiot to you. You probably don't even like me."

"No, no, no!" I quickly blurt out

"You don't like me?" Alex asks, sounding more confused than hurt.

"Yes! I meant no, you don't sound like idiot, and no, I don't not like you." I quickly correct

"Wait, so no, you don't not like me?" He repeats

"Yes! I mean, no, I—" I then look straight at him. I quickly place the palms of my hands on his cheeks and pull his lips to mine. We kiss for a couple of seconds before I pull away.

"I like you, Alexander Turner." I pant

"I like you too, Sarah Jane." He smiles


June, 2006

It's been four years since Alex and I started dating. These last four years have been the best of my life. Alex and I have had a strong, happy relationship. He's amazing. The best boyfriend anyone could ask for. We did everything together. We're inseparable. We're each others first love. In every sense of the words.

Arctic Monkeys also did good. They got signed, made music, made their first real album. "What Ever People Say I am, That's What I'm Not". Although they're still a small, unknown band to the world, Britain has recognized them. They're very popular here. Of course, Alex said he didn't want to expose me to the horrible rockstar life, so we never announced our relationship. It didn't really bother me. Alex just wanted the best for me, and I wasn't going to argue about it with him. I honestly didn't mind. It's nice to go outside and be a regular Joe.

Miles has been with us. Although he hasn't started his music career, Alex has made sure Miles gets involved as much as he can. It's obvious Miles has a passion for music. I'm sure he's just waiting for the perfect opportunity. I don't know.

"Love, are you ready to go?" Alex asks, he's taking me out to dinner. Lately he's been spoiling me. I keep telling him not to, but he never listens.

"Yeah." I giggle, I'm wearing a long, simple black dress. It's a V-neck and has a slit, exposing my right leg. My hair is in small curls, the front strands are pinned back. I walk out of Alex and I's apartment bedroom. When he sees me I can see his chest stop rising from lack of breathing.

"Darling, you look...fuck, you look fucking amazing. For lack of words." Alex exhales

"Thanks." I smile, I walk over to him. I interlock our arms. "Shall we go, Mr. Turner?"

Alex groans, "Babe, you have no idea how turned on I am."

"Control yourself." I chuckle


"And what will you be having?" The waiter asks me

"Red wine, please." I order

"Right away." He bows then walks away.

"I don't like the way he looks at you." Alex grumbles

"What? Which way? Do I have something on my face?" I ask

"Like he wants to take you right bloody now!" Alex slams his hand on the table, making everything shake. Alex was always the jealous type.

I frown, "Alex, he is not looking at me like that."

"Yes, he is!" Alex argues

"Alex, just calm down." I place my hand on his clenched fist. "I love you. I've loved you for the past four years."

"And I've loved you for four years. I just can't bare the thought of someone taking you away from me." Alex frowns

"No one is going to take you away from me." I assure

"You're right..." Alex pauses, "you know I would never purposely hurt you, right?"

"I know. Why did you say that?" I ask, frowning.

"Just making sure you know." Alex smiles

The waiter comes back, making Alex frown. The waiter places down our drinks, then pulls out his notebook. "May I have your order?"

"Two steaks, medium rare, seasoned well, and if there's any fat in the steak, my girlfriend will be very upset, and if she's upset; I'll be upset, and you won't like it when I'm upset." Alex threatens

"Fuck, that was hot." I blurt out after a couple of seconds of silence.

"R-right." The waiter then scurries away.

"I know I'm hot, love." Alex winks, I internally swoon. The affect this man has on me is sad.

"I would say something, but I'm afraid your ego will become the size of the sun." I tease

"Very funny." Alex deadpans

"Oh, you know I love you." I smile

"I love you too." Alex smiles back


Alex slams me into the front door. His lips crash against mine, his hands roaming my body until they find a way to take off an article of clothing. My hands roam his body, also taking off his clothes. Alex then picks me up, wrapping my legs around his waist. As he carries me towards our bedroom he slowly grinds into me. I moan in pleasure.

He's my everything. I love him. He's my first love. I don't know what I'd do without him.

"I love you, Sarah Jane."

"I love you, Alexander Turner."

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