Chapter One:The Beginning

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Past: 10 years old


I skipped down the sidewalk going to the Alpha's house to see my bestfriends Logan and Lucas. They are the alpha's sons and also twins.

My mom and Luna have been friends since pups and they wanted us their kids to grow up like the did.

I got to the Alpha's house and rung the doorbell. Soon the Luna opened the door.

"Well hello Yasmin".

"Hello Auntie Luna". I giggled at what i said which also made her laugh.

"Come in sweetie. The boys are out in the back".

I bowed at her and said 'thank you'.

"You know you dont have to bow at me Yasmin".

"I know but i want to be respectful Luna".

"You always are. Now go play and ill bring you guys snacks soon".

I smiled and went down the hall making my way to the back. I ended up hitting someone before i could make it there.

I looked up to see the Alpha reading a book.

"Alpha". I gasped and bowed,

He chuckled at me. "Yasmin you know you are family you dont need bow".

"I know Alpha".

"Well the boys are playing in the back". He opened the back door for me and i bowed and ran outside.

Lucas and Logan were throwing the football to each other. And i smiled. Before i could even say hi they ran over to me and gave me a hug.

I laughed. "Hey guys".

"Hey Yasmin". They both said.

"Can you guy let me go". I said struggling in between them.

They laughed and let go.

"Yasmin we need to talk to you". They both said looking serious and for twelve year olds thats odd to me.

We walked over to the swings and i sat down on one and started slowly swinging.

"Whats up"?

They looked at each other and then at me.

"What"? I laughed.

"We dont like that you hang out with Andrew at school". Lucas said he was the more hardcore one.

I looked at them confused.

"Why not"?

"We just dont like it".

"So i cant be friends with any other guys but you two"?

They looked at each other and then at me and nodded.

"But thats not fair you guys". I whined to them.

"We just like you to ourselves we dont like sharing our bestfriend thats all". Logan whispered.

"But th-". I stopped when i heard rustling in the bushes behind me.

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