Chapter Twenty-Two:Moon Goddess

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I cried as i pushed my baby girl out.

"Come on Yas you got this". Franny said to me.

I heard her crying as i did one more push.

I fell back on the bed. 

My son was already out they cleaned them both off.

After everything that happened someone came and got me and Franny and came straight to the pack hospital.

They brought both my babies to me. I frowned as i looked at my son. He was both Logan's and Lucas's. He looked just like his daddies. I wanted to cry so hard and i did.

I looked at my daughter and she was so pretty. Sleeping peacefully. She was Logans daughter but would also be Lucas's daughter.

"Luna do you know what you are going to call them"? The doctor asked me.

I nodded.

"He is Lucas Goliath Matthews. And my daughter is Princess Francesca Matthews".

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Franny gasped.

I did name her after Franny cause she has been a great friend.

I just looked at my kids rocking them slowly back and forth as i cried softly.

"Your daddies would have been so happy to see you".

"And we are".

I looked up and saw them both standing there.

I was shocked and tired at the same time also confused.

"How, what is going on"?

(After death)


I woke up in a field. It was white trees everywhere. Huh?

I stood up and saw my brother laying on the ground.

I went over to him and shook him.

He jumped up.

"What is going on"? I asked him.

"Uhh we both died".

"You got killed too"? I was confused.

"Not after i killed that son of a biscuit. Uhh why can i say biscuit. Holy snapple".

We are in the land where the moon goddess lives reasons why we cant curse here.

"Come over to me Alphas". I looked over and it was the moon goddess by the lake.

My brother and i walked over to her.

"What is going on"? My brother asked.

"You two are so brave and do you really think i would be so cruel and let you two die while you leave a mate and two pups behind. You have been my favorite pack to watch. You dont start war you try and make peace with the other packs. And im giving you two a second chance".

"Are you serious"? I asked.

She nodded. "Yes a second chance. I know you two wont mess up. Now close your eyes".

"Thank you so much". My brother and i said.

"You are more than welcome".

I closed my eyes and soon woke up catching my breath.

I was being carried by my pack.

I cleared my throat and they ended up dropping me.

"Damn you guys".

"Alpha sorry". I looked over and they had dropped Lucas too.

I laughed a little.

"We thought you were dead".

"Well i guess not. Where is Yasmin"? Lucas asked.

In labor.

I looked at Lucas and we both jumped up. Shit im sore as fuck. We moved as fast as we can to the hospital. 

We found where she was and looked through the window to see her giving birth to our kids. We didnt want to scare her while giving birth cause we know she felt the bond was broken. So we waited.

"Damn they are beautiful". Lucas said.

I smiled as we looked at our kids. After she named them we walked in.

"Your daddies would be happy to see you". Yasmin said rocking them.

"We are". I said smiling.

She looked shocked and also confused.

Damn im so happy to be back.










Guys i told you i cant do sad endings i hate them. Did i scare you guys. Dont be mad. :D

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