Through your eyes, I see (Hiccup x reader) HTTYD 2 HICCUP

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Hey guys! This is a Hiccup x reader. This is when Hiccup is old like 18? Watch the teaser if you don't know! The first chapter will be boring but the others are cool. So read it! :D

Your POV

The light shining from the window causes me to groan. Another day of travelling the ocean searching for refuge from the siege happening back in Gorg. Curse those Outcasts.

I heard people huffing and bustling outside. Getting up from my bed, I groggily walked outside to see what the commotion was about. Everyone was moving about and it looked like they were getting ready to dock. Suddenly, a flash of something black invades my peripheral sight. I look to my right to see a night fury with its rider swooping down from the sky heading straight towards an island that I had fail to notice. Night Furies still exist?

Something nudging my shoulder snapped me out of my reverie. Shia was just being her needy self. "A little distracted today, are we (N)?" I look up to my left to see Derek staring down at me with his eyebrow raised and a cheeky smirk on his face. Rolling my eyes, I decided to ignore him. He chuckled and said "Hopefully the villagers on that island will be very welcoming. God knows how bad we need a new home." He sighed and went to finish getting ready. Left with my own thoughts again, I looked wistfully towards the island. "Yeah. We really do."

Through your eyes, I see (Hiccup x reader) HTTYD 2 HICCUPWhere stories live. Discover now