Dragon Academy

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Your POV

"Uh...Hi..." Why is everyone staring at me? "So,what can a Shadow Fury do,(Y/N)?" asked Hiccup. "Um.. Do you have like an arena or something? Shia is pretty dangerous..." I asked Hiccup while petting Shia. "Oh! I know! Okay,follow me. Come on Toothless." Hiccup got on Toothless and I got on Shia.

My heart was beating fast. I can't believe I'm flying with Hiccup! My mind was distracted when Hiccup asked me a question. "Hey (Y/N). Where are you from?" asked Hiccup. "I'm from Gorg." I told him. "Oh." Soon,we arrived at an arena. "Welcome to the Dragon Academy!" said Hiccup in a cheerful way. "Wow!" "Come,meet my friends." He brought me inside the academy. There were some kids problably me age...

"Hey guys! Meet (Y/N)!". Everyone walk up to me. "Hey! I'm Snotlout! I'm the strong and handsome one!" said 'Snotlout' in an annoying tone. "Hi! I'm Fishlegs! I'm the smart one here!" said Fishlegs. "Hey I'm Ruffnut and this is my weak brother Tuffnut. We are twins." said Ruffnut. "I'm NOT weak!" said Tuffnut. The two of them started fighting. A blonde girl walk up to me. "Hey. I'm Astrid." "Uh...Hi Astr-" Before I could finish Astrid hold my shirt and whispered.."Don't EVER try to steal MY Hiccup!" She let go.

"Okay! Now that we know each other, (Y/N) show us what Shia can do." said Hiccup. "Well... Shia is a Shadow Fury. A Shadow Fury can shoot lightning bolts,fireballs,lava,snow,hot boiling water,acid and the thing that Toothless shoots. It can also freeze things. "Why is it called the Shadow Fury?" asked Fishlegs who was busy writting all the information on the Book of Dragons.

"A Shadow Fury covers itself with shadows and darkness and it can change it's shape." ugh..I need to drink.. "Can it shoot sharp spines?" asked Astrid with her angry face. "Yup." Shia opened her wings so that everyone can see the sharp spines.

"WoW! Your dragon is amazing!" said Hiccup. "Uh... Thanks..." What the? Why am I blushing?! Suddenly, Derick came from nowhere. He was riding his Deadly Nadder,Rocket. "(Y/N). We have to go.  It's getting dark." said Derick. "Um okay. I'll see you guys tomorrow." "Goodbye (Y/N)." said Hiccup. 

I was about to leave but was stopped by Astrid. "Doesn't mean you can take Hiccup just because you have a cool dragon. I'm watching you.." I rolled my eyes and got on Shia. Derick and I left the academy.

Hiccup's POV 

"SHE CAN'T STAY HERE HICCUP! I DON'T TRUST HER!!" Astrid and I are having a fight about (Y/N). "She is not evil Astrid." I said to her calmly. "SHE IS JUST GONNA BE LIKE HEATHER!!!" "HEATHER DID IT BECAUSE SHE HAD TO SAVE HER PARENTS OR THE OUTCASTS WILL KILL THEM!!!" (If you don't know who Heather is search it!) Astrid left and close the door loudly. "You can't stop hiding Toothless. She is gone!" Toothless came out from his hiding spot. "(Y/N) isn't like that...right?"

Through your eyes, I see (Hiccup x reader) HTTYD 2 HICCUPWhere stories live. Discover now