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Hey guys! Thanks for reading this story! I hope you guys like it! There's gonna be a lot of new characters in this story!

Your POV

'Omg! Hiccup is so close to me!!! Okay, just take a deep breath and relax...' I took a deep breath and told him. "Well, I was just taking a walk with Shia in the forest and a Skrill came out from nowhere and I touched it but Astrid came and it got scared and flew away and now I'm here." I said while panting. Hiccup looked at me, surprised. "Uh.. Wow. A Skrill? We should go and find it! I had never touched one before!" he said with a huge smile on his face.

"Sure! When should we go and find it?" I ask. He made a thinking face. "How about tomorrow?" "Sure!" I can't believe I'm gonna find a dragon with Hiccup!!! "I can tell Astrid and the others about it. Maybe they wanna help." My smile fade away when he said Astrid's name. " Maybe Derick could come!" Oh shit! That's worser... "Well, I'll see you tomorrow!" "Yeah. See ya!" And with that, I left.


"Derick! I'm back!" I just got back home. Hiccup's house was really far... "Oh hey (Y/N)!" Said Derick with a smile. "Well... Tomorrow me,Hiccup and the others are going to find a dragon. Wanna come?" I asked with a fake smile. I really don't like to go adventure with Derick. He sucks at adventuring! "Sorry (Y/N). I have a job to do." Yes! He's not coming! "Well, to bad! It would be fun if you could come." I lied. "I'm gonna go to sleep. Goodnight!" I was about to go upstairs when Derick stopped me. "Hey (Y/N)? Who is the blonde haired girl?" Holy shit! Does he have a crush on Astrid?! " Her name is Astrid." I said. " Oh. Um.. Okay. Goodnight." he quickly went to his room and shut the door. "Awkward..." 

I'm sorry that it's short! I have a busy day today! I'll make the next chapter longer! :D

Oh and For all of you who wants the COMPLETED version of this story, it's at this website ^^

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2015 ⏰

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Through your eyes, I see (Hiccup x reader) HTTYD 2 HICCUPWhere stories live. Discover now