Well FUK(4)

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"Well I'm screwed." Jungkook said as he read the paper once more that said he was suspended for a month.

"Me freaking too."

"Dont talk to me you asshole."

"You were the one who started talking to me."

"I was talking to myself dumbass."
Jimin stayed quiet after that.

"Why are you so mean to me?"

"What the fuck do you mean by that? Are you seriously asking me that? I should have kicked you harder."

"You didn't answer my question."

"Fine. I'm rude to you because you're rude to me you are the most rudest person I have ever met."

( Was about to let Jungkook roast him but I don't know how to roast so...)

"I'm rude to you because you rejected me."

"How was I supposed to react, the boy I liked asked my friend out and then kissed me, I'm not a home wrecker and I never will be one." Jungkook said in a slightly raised voice.

"I'll break up with him then."

"No, I won't let you I don't want to be the reason you guys broke up and I definitely don't want Hoeok to be mad at me, his screaming is the worst, he sounds like a dying goat when he does."

"I know."


"I scared him yesterday."


"I threw a rubber snake at him."

"Oh that's why. Wait, why are you talking to me?"

"There you go being rude again."

"You know what screw you."
Jungkook started walking faster.

"What time?" Jimin said under his breath. He kept walking behind Jungkook but not as fast.

He caught up to Jungkook pushing him into the restroom, and pinning him to the wall.

"Why did you do that?"

"I like you Jungkook, I like you so much." He said as he got his face closer to Jungkook's

"You've only known me for a day." Jungkook said as he pushed him away a bit.


"I could be a weirdo or something."

"But you're not."

"Whatever." Jungkook pushed him out of the way and went to class. When he walked in everyone looked up from their tests.

"The fuck are you guys looking at go back to the stupid test."

"Excuse me Mr. Jeon you aren't allowed to cuss in class."

"And you shouldn't be dating anymore."

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